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Recent content by Just Kick It

  1. Just Kick It

    Fragments - Unusable??

    It's bad business to just delete a currency, be it fragments of something or anything else. But to require an effort to earn something then make it of no value! Bad Business practice. Should make it at least sellable, or trade for medals.
  2. Just Kick It

    Unit stacking ?? Broken??

    Evidently some browsers have performance issues during events and that menu item goes away. As soon as the event was over, units were once again stacked.
  3. Just Kick It

    Unit stacking ?? Broken??

    That Menu item is not available in the settings when using Brave, or Opera browsers.
  4. Just Kick It

    Unit stacking ?? Broken??

    Unit stacking only seems to work in the app or chrome. I prefer the privacy of Brave or Opera. Is there a work around in the browser settings to get stacking to work in these browsers?
  5. Just Kick It

    Rebellious Rebels - Open recruitment

    Greetings, We the Rebellious Rebels welcome all players of all ages and experience. We have a guild of active and friendly players. We offer guidance, fair trades and help with great buildings to accomplish yours and the guilds advancement. We ask that each member participate and contribute to...