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Search results

  1. GB contribution

    4 days.
  2. A Guild Of One

    I have my own guild with just me. If I give administrative rights to someone who joins my guild, are they able to kick me out?
  3. Looking for a 1.9 Thread

    I'm looking for a good 1.9 thread in Mt. Kilmore US server. If anyone could help me out that would be great. I'm not interested in joining a guild, I have too much invested in my own.
  4. Goods Trading

    What annoys me is when people post 20 offers for the same good at a 20-10 ratio. It makes more sense to post a higher offering say 100-50 just a couple of times. They don't understand it costs a fp every trade and many people want higher trade values.
  5. [Question] Why am I getting triple the normal Ferris Wheel Output?

    He tried, after all, you did rush here to ask a question that a little common sense could have answered. No reason for a snarky response.
  6. Leaving A Guild And GE

    Thank You
  7. Leaving A Guild And GE

    For whatever reason level 2 of my GE is not open. It has the lock but the donate button operates. I don't know what or how much to donate, I've sent a message to the Guild but got no response. If I quit my guild now, will I be able to continue the GE without a guild, will I have to join another...
  8. My Guild

    I made my own guild with just me. I want to join another guild. Do I have quit mine first, if so I don't know how. If I have to quit, what are the steps to go to another guild? By that I mean what are the clicks I need to make to join one. Such as...click on guild, then click...etc. If someone...
  9. How Do I Leave My Own Guild?

    I created my own guild that only has me as a member. I think I want to try a guild that has some members in it. I always hear how a good guild is essential. How do I leave the one I created, can I transfer ownership, will I lose the goods I contributed? Is it legal to recommend a guild in this...
  10. Emissaries

  11. Emissaries

    I won a second emissary through the viking settlement but they want 800 diamonds to unlock it. Is there another way to unlock it?
  12. GBG

    I'll rephrase my question. How do I steal a province in GBG when someone has acquired it and is the owner? Play and win more than the 100 time he played to win it?
  13. GBG

    After I battle for a province and win it, with the 5hr lock down, how does another guild steal it from me to take my name as owner off, and they become the owner? This guild ended up with 38 provinces, almost the whole thing. I know this is part of the game, but needless to say, not a very fun...
  14. GBG Questions

    I play in my own guild (I'm the only member) When I click on the leaderboard, I don't understand what it means. What is: VP/h I'm 284 VP I'm 17317 LP I'm +175 What is Points/h when you battle for a province? Some may be 102, 115, or 134. Does the higher number mean it's harder to...
  15. Sniping Progress

    I still don't get it. If I want to put my fp's on someones GB, and the top slot has some on it already, I'm not supposed to put more than that person so I can have the top slot? I don't care who puts fp's on my GB's, I'm just happy they get leveled. How does this get turned into a 12 page...
  16. Sniping Progress

    I have an idea of what sniping is, but what is it?
  17. Governor's Villa Fighters

    I have 3 Villas, does anyone have an easy way to keep track of the fighters the villa gives? Does it only give fighters for who you have a military for? Also, does the villa give rogues?
  18. Inventory Boosts

    Thank You.
  19. Inventory Boosts

    If I have a 10% and 100% production boots in my inventory, can I stack them and get 110% boost?
  20. Producing Goods In Ancient Egypt

    Thank You!