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  • Its raining here in cali. Light percipitation now. But bigger storm coming. Hope it wont knock out power. Blackout= no foe
    That would suck! Been a lot of rain here lately too, Oklahoma. Luckily it's been mostly just rain and not thunderstorms.
    Break out the dom perignon! Just did 64 encounters in east nagach. A feat never completed before. To many its not a big thing, to me it is
    That's awesome! it's definitely a big thing, congrats.
    Oswyn the noble
    Oswyn the noble
    I said to self..just one time boast about it..so i did. Cheers!:p
    Oswyn the noble
    Oswyn the noble
    Cheers homie...but alas it may well be a one time thing. Unless i have same luck. I always try to do my best in ge, above and way beyond my units abilities
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