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Search results

  1. Does A Guild Have To Restart At Level 0 Because Of Changing It's Name?

    Thank you all for the responses and info.
  2. Does A Guild Have To Restart At Level 0 Because Of Changing It's Name?

    Does a guild have to restart at level 0 because of changing it's name? It appears you can just go to the guild page and edit the guild name/flag and click save, so does this editing of name restart the guild at level 0 or does it just edit and update the guild name/flag without changing anything...
  3. How do we GRAB birthday boosts.

    Yes, highlighted in yellow in Town Hall. Thanks
  4. How do we GRAB birthday boosts.

    Started collecting and boosts are in place.
  5. How do we GRAB birthday boosts.

    Logged in this am to only city I have but no Birthday boosts? Am I missing something?
  6. Help! How does a LMA player obtain Colonial Age decorations?

    Historical questlines? I just checked and it appears there has not been one since 2018?
  7. Help! How does a LMA player obtain Colonial Age decorations?

    Help! How does a LMA player obtain Colonial Age decorations? I am in LMA, have gathered up every province thru Colonial Age and after sailing half way around the world am currently working my way thru the Industrial Age Continent map in the Americans and just got a Story quest to build 2...
  8. Looking for someone selling goods from The Future to build a ARC.

    Found someone. ARC is up. All the best to all players.
  9. Looking for someone selling goods from The Future to build a ARC.

    I am in LMA and have all needed BPs for a ARC. I am looking for someone who sells goods from The Future to obtain the goods needed to build my ARC. Thanks
  10. Tiger's Blood Recruiting for Active Members!

    I am sorry but just rechecking when I found this (never received a note that there was a question/response?). We are looking for active members so feel free to contact me OriginalPlasticman or the guild Tiger's Blood. Thanks and good luck.
  11. Who is in the Abandoned Asylum?

  12. Rewarding riddle ride competition

    Question #1 answer is > Age. Question #2 answer is > A choice Question #3 answer is > Day 19 Question #4 answer is > A candle Question #5 answer > FOE expansion
  13. Tiger's Blood Recruiting for Active Members!

    We are a small newer guild with only 17 members at the moment BUT have risen to a Global Ranking of #68 of 5,249 guilds thus far in our short life. At the Guild Battlegrounds we are in Platinum League and at Level 26. What all this means to new members is once you join Tiger's Blood your Town...
  14. Antique Dealer Exchanges

    That did it. Thank you so very much for the right info. Stay safe and all the best.
  15. Antique Dealer Exchanges

    Trying to figure out what I am missing. At a website it clearly notes under Prices of Deals and Barters that the Antique Dealer buys for (2h Barter) Statue of Honor Selection Kits for 3,240 in Trade coins and 4 to 7 Gems. I now have a kit (completed a full set * 211/200) but I am unable to start...
  16. Icons above Great Buildings disappeared?

    So tuckerkao, you have seen this before and think it is the game itself, the servers and that the icons will come and go? This appears to be the case. As of this am icons are missing again. As noted this is the first time since I started a few months ago that I have run into this. As seen they...
  17. Icons above Great Buildings disappeared?

    All I can tell you is since I started playing months ago from the very start when I visited neighbor's (and including Friends/Guild members) cities the GBs that were available (not leveled up/no castle icon) to contribute FPs to all had a castle icon (leveled up buildings had no icon). It made...
  18. Icons above Great Buildings disappeared?

    What I am referring to is when you visit a neighbor's city the Great buildings that were in the process of being leveled up would have a type of 'building' (castle) icon hovering with it. Interesting enough I just checked and they are now back again (for now)? As noted once a building is leveled...
  19. Icons above Great Buildings disappeared?

    Does anybody know what happened to the icons above Great Buildings in neighbor's cities. I started playing about 5 months ago and yesterday all those icons disappeared. This am they were back and now this afternoon they are gone again?