Well-Known Member

We will release version 1.290 on Wednesday 28th August. There will be a short downtime during the update. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this time.
In this update, we are implementing technical improvements, bug fixes, and adding content for future events. You can find highlights of these changes below.
- FOE-83836, FOE-83837: We made some adjustments to the friends system in the game. To prevent abuse, we removed the player id from the invitation link you can send your friends. In addition, we limited the amount of friends added per day.
- FOE-84043: To avoid performance issues at the start of a new Guild Battleground, we have decided to distribute the Diamond league starts between 8:00 and 8:20 (before it was between 8:00 and 8:10) to see if this helps alleviate the problem.
- Buildings
- FOE-81999, FOE-83904: Selling a building that has a ready but uncollectable production will now display a warning, that the production will get lost, if you can't collect it, just like on the app. This also could cause an Internal Error, which has been fixed now.
- FOE-83517: Buildings like the Jumpin' Pumpkin would display the doubled amount of the current production option when motivated. It will now show it for all production options.
- Events
- FOE-83760: The reward window popup in the Welcome Event will now only appear after your figure moved. Before it appeared while it was moving.
- Boost Overview
- FOE-83580: 5 digit numbers did not fit into the badge anymore. They now do. For mobile, the issue was similar, but already affected 4 digit numbers. It is fixed there as well.
- FOE-83545: It would also include QI Settlement buildings after a QI Season was over. This is no longer the case.
- Messages
- FOE-83696: You can no longer try to delete other players messages in the Social Tab. Previously it led to an internal error.
- Inventory
- FOE-83834: Using Blueprint boxes could display the incorrect amount of received blueprints from a single building. It will now display the correct amount.
- FOE-83971: The "Go to inventory" button will now be disabled when you are in another players city, as it caused an empty Inventory window.
- Quests
Mobile-only Changes
Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be some days after the release of the browser version. Don't be surprised if you don't see the update on your mobile devices at the exact same time.
- FOE-58088: The golden ribbon in the settlement progress was not transparent for not yet unlocked advancements. It now is.
- FOE-83642: The Quantum Incursion Map will now focus on the center of the map, instead of the left corner when opening it.
- FOE-83952: Watching an ad could cause your game to reload and not give you any benefit from watching it. This is now fixed.
The Fellowship Event is now released on the Beta Server! It includes new rewards, like Downgrade Kits and Historical Allies, which will be a part of other Events as well! You can test those additions and follow the development if you join our Beta Server
Should you wish to give us feedback about this version, please use our dedicated feedback thread.
Your Forge of Empires Team
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