GvG terms
Attack protection - After conquering a sector, it cannot be attacked until the next daily calculation. Also, unless it is a HQ, this sector does not count for placing siege armies and attacking until the next daily calculation.
Average power - The average power of a sector in the province.
Besieged, under siege - A sector that holds a siege army. Besieged sectors do not produce power, and most actions are blocked (like placing a defending army, relocate HQ or grant freedom).
Construction Rebate - According to the level of the guild, all guild members get a discount on the coins and supply costs of their buildings.
Coordinates - A unique identifier for every sector.
Daily Calculation - At the end of every day, during the daily calculation, power is paid out, and attack protection is lifted.
Defending Army - A sector can hold up to 8 defending armies. If the sector gets attacked, each of these armies has to be defeated 10 times.
Grant Freedom - When a guild “grants freedom” to one of their sectors, it and all defending armies in it will become controlled by an NPC again. The guild will gain a few goods for doing so.
Guild Continent Map - The map in which the provinces are located. Entering GvG will lead you there.
Guild Level - The accumulated power of the maps and any unique building such as the Hall of Fame will contribute to the guild level. Whenever enough points are gathered, the guild levels up and unlocks bonuses for their members.
Guild Ranking - A ranking that displays all guilds sorted by their prestige.
Guild Treasury - The guild treasury holds goods that are contributed by the players and certain events/actions. The treasury is used to pay goods for unlocking slots or placing siege armies.
Guild versus Guild - The official name of the feature is “Guild versus Guild”.
Guild’s area - The sectors controlled by a guild in a province.
GvG / GVG - Abbreviation for “Guild versus Guild”.
Headquarter - The first sector a guild conquers on a map will hold the headquarter. The headquarter can be moved to other sectors. It is important for the distribution of the support bonuses. Also, from a headquarter siege armies can always be placed (there is no 24-hour-protection).
HoF - Abbreviation for Hall of Fame, a special event/unique building that produces power for one's guild every 24 hours (amount of power is based on the building's age).
HQ - Abbreviation for headquarter.
Landing Zone - A defined area of sectors in every province in which new guilds entering the map can start and place their initial siege army.
Map Ranking - Every province has a map ranking that displays the guilds sorted according to their daily power.
NPC - “Non-playing character” – if a sector is not controlled by a guild, it is controlled by a NPC instead.
Owner - Either the guild or the NPCs name of whoever owns that sector.
Power - A sector or certain unique buildings produce power during the daily calculation for the guild that owns that sector/building.
Prestige - Prestige is calculated from the level of a guild and the daily power. It is used for the global guild ranking.
Prestige Bonus - According to the level of the guild, every day the guild will get a certain amount of prestige.
Province - The guild continent map holds the provinces in which the guilds fight. There is one province for each age, meaning only units and goods from that age are used.
Province’s age - The age of a province; according to our normal ages in the game. In a province, only goods and units from the province’s age can be used.
Recruitment Boost - According to the level of the guild, the recruitment and healing times of units are reduced for all guild members.
Relocate Headquarter - A guild can relocate its headquarter; effectively, the headquarter gets put on to another sector of their territory, as long as neither of the two sectors is under siege.
Research Boost - According to the level of the guild, all guild members receive additional Forge Points.
Sector - Every province holds a large number of sectors. Guilds battle for control of these sectors. A sector provides power.
Siege Army - One member of a guild has to place a siege army on an enemy sector first. Placing a siege army requires goods. Only after placing the siege army the defending armies in that sector can be attacked by members of the guild. Note that the siege army itself does not attack, but it can be attacked and defeated.
Support Bonus - All defending armies in a guild’s sector or a siege army can get a buff. That buff is called “support bonus”. It is calculated from the support pool, the support factor and the distance to the headquarter.
Support Factor - A unique factor for every province; support pool / support factor = total support bonus of that province
Support Pool - All guild members contribute with certain buildings to the guild’s support pool. The support pool and the support factor of a province define the total support bonus for the guild in that province.
Support Pool Bonus - According to the level of the guild, the guild’s support pool is increased.
Unlock - Opening up another slot for a defending army (up to 8 in total). This action requires goods.
Unlocked Slot - A slot that was unlocked and can take a defending army now.