Each person can drop 4 sectors per day. You cant drop the HQ, you have to move it before you can drop the sector its on.
If you hold land in an era, you can set a siege on any sector that touches one of your unbubbled or unshielded sectors, in other words, any sector of yours that you've held since before the last recalculation/reset. If you take a sector, it becomes bubbled/shielded, and you cannot take a sector that only touches that bubbled sector unless you move your HQ to it. After the next recalc, when the bubble drops, you can then take any sector it touches, regardless of where your HQ is located.
Depending on the amount of support pool your guild has, your guild might not want to take sectors that are too far away from your HQ because the more sectors you hold, the more the support pool is split. The outer "layer" of sectors 2 or 3 sectors away in any direction gets the least support bonus if there isn't enough support pool available for a full bonus for all sectors you hold. So, this might also be a reason you were advised not to take a sector further away from your HQ.
Challenge accepted.All the images in this guide are broken. That makes it less useful. Anyone willing to rewrite it with updated screenshots?