GE: Since there is no real "Guild Prize" other than bragging rights in the form of a trophy displayed on your Guild's Bio screen, nothing really happens to the guild if people either underperform or don't perform at all. In other words, if the guild loses the "championisip," neither it not the individuals within it don't lose anything with any particular value to it.
BG: Conversely, BG has two kinds of "prizes" awarded to guilds: Victory Points and Leauge Ranking bearing a winning prize chest when placed above a certain level on the server. The conquering of each sector has one type of point value as do the victory points given for the length of time it's held. The Victory Points have no meaning outside of breaking a tie on the seasonal scorboard and determining placement within the league, i.e., 2 teams are tied at 1M LPs are placed 4th and 5th on Global Ranking but the first of the two guilds has more VPs, will be placed 4th over the other guild.
So to get back to the rumors you've heard and whether or not you should take them into account in detemining their continued membership you might want to try adopting a policy of "what are they doing for us?" rather than "what are they doing to hurt us?"
Their lack of activity does not affect:
- Global ranking in any way
- GE ranking in any way (only placement and only when the other guilds do 'more,' otherwise, negligible
- Bg League/Season placement
- BG Global Placement
- (currently) QI
and compare it to what they are/might be doing for you simply by logging in and collecting or aiding, even occasionally:
- Treasury building collection defray guild endeavors + help earn rank if the guild is not yet at L100
- Additional MoPo for guildmates
- Assistance in trades by placing or accepting
- Assistance in GB leveling either by presenting or taking positions
- Be used a "placeholders" until a more desirable recruit/prospect comes along. Many people will not join small guilds over concern for low activity and slow threads. (Keeping a few loyal but very casual members is sometimes good for appearances and goes a long way towards a guid's good rep).
Possible ways they could deleteriously affect the guild just by "existing:"
- As @Dursland states, if they are sole members of an era, that era's goods could be/will be factored into the purchase of province buildings in BG or the costs of unlocking levels of GE (minimul, but there)
- Take up positions for more active guildies
In my experience, that's about the crux of it. It's really a matter of deciding what's best for your group: a small(er), bustling group of active players or a medium to larg(er) group of 'quieter' ones.