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Inactive guild members - negative effect on GBG performance


Active Member
I heard long ago that inactive guild members (not doing GE or GBG) have a negative effect on guild performance in GBG. My guild has over 50% inactive (although some do have guild-enhancing GB like Arc and Observatory) and we're contemplating booting them. I also heard that "guild average" (whatever that is) is also negatively impacted. What is the "guild average" and how does it relate to GBG and non-performing members?



Well-Known Member
I have to point out one important thing: if you are booting people that collect their city daily, your treasury input will go down.

We have a similar situation in US29, and it's occurred in every guild I've been in. We will have players that are 0 in GBG and/or QI but otherwise active.

It's actually counterproductive to boot them, because they actively contribute to the treasury. As well as other places like 1.9 threads etc.

The only benefit in booting such players would be eliminating eras - like if your GBG keeps asking for iron age goods and you have only 1 inactive iron age player then yes there would be benefit to booting him so GBG no longer asks for iron age goods.


Active Member
Sage advice! I'm exempting non-battlers with Arc and Obs so I guess that qualifies. My other problem is that I have enough goods for other members to plant the Arc but no takers, even for unfair trades, yet. I appreciate that help when I started many years ago (it seems). Thanks, again, for the response.

Johnny B. Goode

Well-Known Member
I heard long ago that inactive guild members (not doing GE or GBG) have a negative effect on guild performance in GBG. My guild has over 50% inactive (although some do have guild-enhancing GB like Arc and Observatory) and we're contemplating booting them. I also heard that "guild average" (whatever that is) is also negatively impacted. What is the "guild average" and how does it relate to GBG and non-performing members?

You should check and make sure they're collecting their Arc and Obs. If they're not, then I would boot them.

Dominator - X

Well-Known Member
I heard long ago that inactive guild members (not doing GE or GBG) have a negative effect on guild performance in GBG. My guild has over 50% inactive (although some do have guild-enhancing GB like Arc and Observatory) and we're contemplating booting them. I also heard that "guild average" (whatever that is) is also negatively impacted. What is the "guild average" and how does it relate to GBG and non-performing members?

They cost the guild T-Goods for GE and GBG. Costs are era and guild member count dependent. So, if they are not actively helping in GE or GBG you are wasting T-Goods, since they are deducted from your treasury each level in GE that is opened and for each building built in GBG. If they are inactive, meaning they are not logging in AND collecting daily, that is a double whammy waste. In that case, not only are you losing T-Goods, but they are also not contributing anything back to the treasury nor helping to fight.


Well-Known Member
GE: Since there is no real "Guild Prize" other than bragging rights in the form of a trophy displayed on your Guild's Bio screen, nothing really happens to the guild if people either underperform or don't perform at all. In other words, if the guild loses the "championisip," neither it not the individuals within it don't lose anything with any particular value to it.

BG: Conversely, BG has two kinds of "prizes" awarded to guilds: Victory Points and Leauge Ranking bearing a winning prize chest when placed above a certain level on the server. The conquering of each sector has one type of point value as do the victory points given for the length of time it's held. The Victory Points have no meaning outside of breaking a tie on the seasonal scorboard and determining placement within the league, i.e., 2 teams are tied at 1M LPs are placed 4th and 5th on Global Ranking but the first of the two guilds has more VPs, will be placed 4th over the other guild.

So to get back to the rumors you've heard and whether or not you should take them into account in detemining their continued membership you might want to try adopting a policy of "what are they doing for us?" rather than "what are they doing to hurt us?"

Their lack of activity does not affect:
  • Global ranking in any way
  • GE ranking in any way (only placement and only when the other guilds do 'more,' otherwise, negligible
  • Bg League/Season placement
  • BG Global Placement
  • (currently) QI
and compare it to what they are/might be doing for you simply by logging in and collecting or aiding, even occasionally:
  • Treasury building collection defray guild endeavors + help earn rank if the guild is not yet at L100
  • Additional MoPo for guildmates
  • Assistance in trades by placing or accepting
  • Assistance in GB leveling either by presenting or taking positions
  • Be used a "placeholders" until a more desirable recruit/prospect comes along. Many people will not join small guilds over concern for low activity and slow threads. (Keeping a few loyal but very casual members is sometimes good for appearances and goes a long way towards a guid's good rep).
Possible ways they could deleteriously affect the guild just by "existing:"
  • As @Dursland states, if they are sole members of an era, that era's goods could be/will be factored into the purchase of province buildings in BG or the costs of unlocking levels of GE (minimul, but there)
  • Take up positions for more active guildies
In my experience, that's about the crux of it. It's really a matter of deciding what's best for your group: a small(er), bustling group of active players or a medium to larg(er) group of 'quieter' ones. :p

Johnny B. Goode

Well-Known Member
and compare it to what they are/might be doing for you simply by logging in and collecting or aiding, even occasionally:
  • Treasury building collection defray guild endeavors + help earn rank if the guild is not yet at L100
In the first place, you would have to consider how often they collect from any Treasury buildings as compared to how much their presence costs the guild in GE/GBG goods requirements. If they do it infrequently enough, it's likely that they're costing more than they're contributing, especially if the guild buys many buildings in GBG.
Secondly, Treasury building donations do not contribute anything to guild level (rank). Guild Power Points are what add up to increase a guild's level, and none are given simply for donating Treasury goods. Only the individual gets ranking points for those.
In fact, players who participate in GE actually do contribute to guild level, because the amount of GE done by the guild each week determines how many Guild Power Points the guild is awarded at the end of each weekly session.


Well-Known Member
@Johnny B. Goode , okay, I keep forgetting that they changed that business about treasury increasing guild rank. Used to be a lot of things contributed to it but now it's just plain vanilla.

As for the other stuff, I was merely showing a compare/contrast between GE and BG to the OP whose concern was whether or not there was a negative impact on in- / less-active guildies in battlegrounds and the expedition. If I were to answer his direct question regarding either, I'd have to say, "No. There is no negative impact in battlegrounds and in GE, there is only the small charge to the treasury in current/previous age goods for opening each level past L1."

@Dursland and @Dominator - X said pretty much the same thing I did in terms of treasury collects. I'm too tired to to deal with you nitpicking my posts today. Go choose one or the other of them to use your seam-ripper on since you seem so determined to correct someone.

Johnny B. Goode

Well-Known Member
@Johnny B. Goode , okay, I keep forgetting that they changed that business about treasury increasing guild rank. Used to be a lot of things contributed to it but now it's just plain vanilla.
If they changed it, it had to be before 2015, because it's been this way ever since I started.


Well-Known Member
Well I didn't start until after you did -- end of 2017. As far as I was ever told there was not a direct correlation between passive treasury collects from GBs but there was between leveling GBs (still is) and I know that at one time guilds seemed to value highly leveled treasury buildings more than they do now. That's not to say that they're not valued now but with so many to choose from it seems that having a higher quantity of them is somehow better/more valuable than one or two highly leveled ones. Go figure. I still see guild bios or hear about rules that encourage players to have OBS over a certain level in order to participate in higher than 1.9 threads. Without GvG or Support Pool I'm not sure why that's pertinent unless it has to do with what my guild "turned it into:" an incentive program since so many players in the guild had already done so because of the GvG/Pool aspect for many years. It's difficult to explain sometimes to a player who didn't play back then why such things are done and I can understand their frustration but if they'd only try to give it the same measure I try to by asking myself the question, "Now, Mor, do you actually remember it being that way or do you remember being told it was once that way....?" HAHA!!!

Johnny B. Goode

Well-Known Member
Well I didn't start until after you did -- end of 2017. As far as I was ever told there was not a direct correlation between passive treasury collects from GBs but there was between leveling GBs (still is) and I know that at one time guilds seemed to value highly leveled treasury buildings more than they do now. That's not to say that they're not valued now but with so many to choose from it seems that having a higher quantity of them is somehow better/more valuable than one or two highly leveled ones. Go figure. I still see guild bios or hear about rules that encourage players to have OBS over a certain level in order to participate in higher than 1.9 threads. Without GvG or Support Pool I'm not sure why that's pertinent unless it has to do with what my guild "turned it into:" an incentive program since so many players in the guild had already done so because of the GvG/Pool aspect for many years. It's difficult to explain sometimes to a player who didn't play back then why such things are done and I can understand their frustration but if they'd only try to give it the same measure I try to by asking myself the question, "Now, Mor, do you actually remember it being that way or do you remember being told it was once that way....?" HAHA!!!
Used to be (before the Arc80 was common) that having an OBS was required by many guilds who did GvG, mostly for the Treasury goods. Even back when I started the Support Pool wasn't terribly important. GvG was never about the defense boosts, it used to be about who was faster, the attacking guild(s) resieging or the defending guild replacing defense armies. Remember, OBS was around long before the Arc, and it was the only source of Treasury goods that didn't involve multiple goods buildings. So that is why most guilds required, or at least encouraged, members to have one.

As far as leveling GBs having anything to do with guild level, it just ain't so and never has been as long as I've been playing.

Also, there is no correlation that I know of between having an OBS at a certain level and being in 1.9 threads.

As to your point about remembering it being that way vs being told it was once that way, I am constantly amazed at the misinformation that is out there. (Not directing this remark at you, but at those who might have told you things that were never true.)

Ebeondi Asi

Well-Known Member
Top Guild Players should all have Arc, Obs, AI Core and even Atom sky high to cover the huge costs of building and thus excelling in GbG.
three years ago the basic cost per player per day was 2,300 Treasury Goods to play GbG.
That has gone up by at least another 1000 per day since he changes to GbG buildings for top Guilds.
Lucky for lesser Guilds in lower levels of GbG play the costs have dropped to build in GbG..
Never the less way too many players think someone else should be adding more to the Treasury. Or think because they have a level 15 Obs they are doing enough.. NOT !!!
rant over.
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Well-Known Member
Used to be (before the Arc80 was common) that having an OBS was required by many guilds who did GvG, mostly for the Treasury goods. Even back when I started the Support Pool wasn't terribly important. GvG was never about the defense boosts, it used to be about who was faster, the attacking guild(s) resieging or the defending guild replacing defense armies. Remember, OBS was around long before the Arc, and it was the only source of Treasury goods that didn't involve multiple goods buildings. So that is why most guilds required, or at least encouraged, members to have one.
And was still considered a very good answer to treasury goods for the new(er) players due to it's small footprint.
As far as leveling GBs having anything to do with guild level, it just ain't so and never has been as long as I've been playing.
Could have been an OG thing or just a unicorn thing. Who knows? ;) (Is an OG Unicorn Thing a rhinocerous? Hmmm.)
Also, there is no correlation that I know of between having an OBS at a certain level and being in 1.9 threads.
Not from Inno's POV but loads of guilds did and still do require it. On my main we have a 1.95 thread for all treasury buildings for any guild member but for those who have an L65 OBS they may also use it to present P1 & P2 on any military GB. Just a little reward for working so hard to contribute to the guild's fight strength.
As to your point about remembering it being that way vs being told it was once that way, I am constantly amazed at the misinformation that is out there. (Not directing this remark at you, but at those who might have told you things that were never true.)
Yup. Been a believer more than I'd like to admit and probably spread out a few lucky charms myself (much to my chagrin).

Johnny B. Goode

Well-Known Member
And was still considered a very good answer to treasury goods for the new(er) players due to it's small footprint.
Personally I always have an OBS in every city as soon as I can get it. Even more important now with the defending boost.
Could have been an OG thing or just a unicorn thing. Who knows? ;) (Is an OG Unicorn Thing a rhinocerous? Hmmm.)
I doubt it, since GBs were originally capped at level 10.
Not from Inno's POV but loads of guilds did and still do require it. On my main we have a 1.95 thread for all treasury buildings for any guild member but for those who have an L65 OBS they may also use it to present P1 & P2 on any military GB. Just a little reward for working so hard to contribute to the guild's fight strength.
They may require having an OBS, but I think your guild is the unicorn if they tie it to 1.9(5) threads.
Yup. Been a believer more than I'd like to admit and probably spread out a few lucky charms myself (much to my chagrin).
One of my reasons for being on the Forum this long is to be able to correct any misinformation I see. Younger/newer players need to have someone telling them what's true and what isn't. :)