Queen Serenity of Cevia
New Member
I currently run leveling groups for my guild with quite a few guild members using my leveling system as it has proven to be the fastest and cheapest way to level your GBs. And I thought, why not post a message here and see if there is anyone that interested in joining in my leveling Groups as I run them on the social tab so becoming a part of it, no matter what guild you‘re in is a great advantage to growing your city. We level all GBs at a daily group rate of 25 a day (per GB) and I have recently started an Advanced Arc Leveling group (50 FP daily) for those who want to push their Arc to 80 a lot faster. Feel free to find me in S world and send me a message.
Queen Serenity of Cevia
Guild: Night Watch
Queen Serenity of Cevia
Guild: Night Watch