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Self aid

Johnny B. Goode

Well-Known Member
Mass Self Aid affects every building in your city that can be motivated/polished at the time you use it. For the regular Self Aid Kit you have to pick which building you want to use it on.

Ebeondi Asi

Well-Known Member
When you choose a self aid, all the buildings gain a small icon. you carry the aid to the building you wish to aid and tap it. You can actually scroll around carrying the aid and it should not connect until you choose a building. If you touch a corner of the screen or a menu the aid function cancels itself and you have to go pick it back up from menu
I play on PC, I never tried it with a mobile phone. I wold think it would be very difficult to do the task on such a tiny screen

Ebeondi Asi

Well-Known Member
I use "Sacred tree of Patience" (1x1 road required) to gain self aids
Also some show up in Antique Dealer now and then.


Well-Known Member
Self aid kits and fragments of self-aid kits are like popcorn (they show up in a lot of places - even incidents). Many of us have 1000's of them.

Mass Self Aid kits
are more desirable but rarer objects than can be found/earned as complete kits, but more likely, you'll get fragments of such from a number of sources. Of the two, the Mass Self Aid Kits (called MSAK) are the ones to chase and build a pipeline to obtain. Buildings in your city can make the fragments each day, and when the count gets to 30 in your inventory, they can be assembled.

That's where to put your energy.

Dominator - X

Well-Known Member
thanks for the input. i was curious how you acquired them? are they just random?
The Regal Squirrel Hall gives a 40% chance to win several frags (25 in SAAB, not sure if they are adjusted for era or not) of the MSA's daily if aided. Also having 10 Joyful Nutcracker Guardhouses (also aided) will also provide a full MSA daily, which is a minimum.