There are THREE things this game desperately needs to eliminate the tedious boredom.
1. Visit all open taverns.
2. Replace Units in ALL battle screens (GE,GbG,Campaign Map,Ore Mining,QI,PvP,Neighborhood,Quest,Egypt, and any others I've missed).
3. A "Pin" and "Unpin" to ALL Recurring Quests to avoid using the Abort button 14+ times to reset it to the same (or next pinned) quest each time when it's collected.
These are the absolutely worst boring, tedious, garbage waste of time constant despised stupidities we have to endure.
I am so sick of all of these totally unnecessary repetitious click click click click click click click click click click click click clicks.
I've already decided, if all three of these functions are not in place by the time my current supply of diamonds runs out, I'm leaving the game.