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  • "People have enough to live by, but nothing to live for: they have the means, but no meaning". Victor Frankl.

    In FoE terms this means: "I have close to 4000 GBG stats, but I can't be asked to do GBG anymore". My purpose now is collecting 1x1s and Wildlife buildings for my retirement plan later. Also making 2.5 store buildings per day, which is very convenient.
    So I'm in AF now and feel like stepping down again and focusing on RL stuff. As a side note, the City Planning Guide update will probably take as long as it took Inno to release Guild Incursions or Quantum Raids from when it was first advertised. One thing I am almost certain about is that I will finish the update before GTA 6 comes out.
    City Planning Guide update:

    The guide will be getting an update. More info on the thread, and a sneaky spoiler of my new Town Hall set-up on Uberhelp's Discord.
    Life update:

    So nine months later I achieved 1200+% A/D in only 2100 tiles of my city, and the Mars map is going down. I'm just about to get that expansion.
    Nobody asked but I high jumped 1.5m and ran 100m in 12.5 seconds.
    Woohoo! That's awesome!
    Thanks, Uber. I've been pretty lazy in the past couple of years, and the sprint made my muscles sore — time to get active.
    Wow! That's high! I think... The 100m time is awesome! Great job!
    This may be culturally insensitive (Is that a thing now?), but can you please explain the difference between Great Britain and the United Kingdom. Are they the same? Are they different? Us Americans don't understand lol.
    That makes sense...
    Johnny B. Goode
    Johnny B. Goode
    A) England conquered and basically assimilated Wales centuries ago.
    B) England & Scotland united into Great Britain in 1707.
    C) Great Britain and all of Ireland joined as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801.
    Johnny B. Goode
    Johnny B. Goode
    D) Ireland was partitioned into the Irish Free State (Ireland) and Northern Ireland in 1922. Northern Ireland stayed in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State became the country of Ireland.
    I might be “back”… I’ve been playing FoE again since last week and damn the new stuff is great. Besides from the Conjunction Tower are there any OP buildings I’ve missed since 2023 January?
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    And I also have a massive rework in my town. I removed three Winter Bakeries, 8 underaged RtVs, and a Suishun Mill, and bought 3 diamond expansions and I still can't fit an extra 100 tiles of Harvest Barn set...
    You haven't really missed anything if you've only been gone since Jan. Archdruid Hut from last event is pretty good at 40% combined boost in 20 tiles but it has no blue stats and you want those going forward, thanks to GE5.
    yeah ive been inactive too, school and stuff like that and im just getting bored of the game, for me it just feels a bit repetitive
    Hello y'all, I'm semi-retiring from FoE now. I have been for the past month, but I'll still be around once or twice a week. Just make sure not to get fooled by that "Active Member" tag I have.
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    Reactions: UBERhelp1
    Eh, I'd consider you Well-Known by now :p

    Will definitely miss having you around as much, but better to step back and enjoy your time than force yourself to do something you don't want to!
    Yeah, thanks Uber. Gotta say the hardest part about FoE is actually playing it.
    Hot weather in the UK again… not as hot as last time but it hasn’t rained for nearly two weeks and grass patches are looking like straw coloured carpets.
    I have always feared this moment of realisation, but no matter how much I dismiss it, no matter how much I move aside from it, I must sincerely admit that…
    I am addicted to FoE.

    Btw, my City Planning Guide will be getting a 2.0 update. Keep watch of that if you’re interested.
    Weather Update in the UK. Over 40°C (104°F) outside. I can’t even sit in my bedroom and play FoE without my head constantly melting with sweat.
    In my area, the weather averages 20c (70f) during the day and 12 (55f) at night so I'm okay for now. Hope you're doing all right too. I've mainly been stuck indoors doing school so it's pretty boring on my end.
    I try to stay inside a lot. When northerners move to the south, they usually say, "It's so hot outside! How do you guys deal with it?" We say, "You know how in the north it can be too cold to go outside? Well, here it's too hot to go outside." I'm doing alright though, thankfully I lived here my whole life, so I am used to sweating 10 pounds off every time I go outside. "Hydrate or dydrate" is what we always say lol.
    Side note: We have been getting more people from California and NY moving here lately though... less from the north. I guess Georgia is just the best state...
    What time do you guys wake up at? I only just realised that I am in the UK whilst most people on this forum are actually in the US. I wake up at 8.00 GMT, which in California time is midnight lol.
    Johnny B. Goode
    Johnny B. Goode
    I wake up around 7 AM, Missouri time. That's 5 AM California time. Which would make it 1300 (1:00 PM) GMT. I think. LOL
    Sounds about right then. Guess you guys are generally awake in the afternoon. Get myself busy irl in the morning.
    I Agree with you — Farming WPS is sickening! People with Class fill their cities with 14 botanical rotundas instead to commemorate the greats! (I also have 4 CS not pictured)
    Also, this might be slightly controversial, but I love 3x3s and 2x2s. I can neatly fit them into never-ending road columns, and on the FP side, Log Cabins and Dark Doorways at 3 fp (and supply boost for the cabins) at 3x3 is not a bad deal. I've been phasing out anything with SOK efficiency or less tho from my city. I was just joking earlier about how botanical rotundas are more aesthetically pleasing then WPs
    I can see why :). There’s just so many of them out there for easy grabs. It’s all right to keep them in road junctions and small lengths of road; it won’t affect your road efficiency too much there. I have 8 WPs and a rotunda myself.

    Once you do start getting a decent amount of event buildings, you can then create some longer stretches of them in your city.
    Once you get a nice amount of buildings and can group them all together I just love the results :p
    Who wants to see my journal/guide/whatever you'd like to call it for my VF and beyond Continent trek in Progressive Era? Coming Soon.
    Any ideas on how to see your followers?
    Johnny B. Goode
    Johnny B. Goode
    Hover over your name, then click on your name in the pop up. That takes you to your profile page, then click on "About". That page will list your followers, among other things.
    I see. Got that
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