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Feedback for the Guild Battlegrounds Update 2023

Coach Zuck

Well-Known Member
One of my primary gripes with the championship is using Victory Points to determine the leaderboard after MMR and wins. For example we have one guild who used to be #23 who's paired up with a bunch of guilds that just let them sit on the map, whereas my guild used to be #1 is paired with guilds who take the map every 4h, so we don't hold as many points, and they're catching up on us, we're going to be 5th place. I know that'll be sorted out when there's "wins" but the fact remains that a guild can just get lucky and amass a lot of victory points in multiple matches from the championship.

A potential solution to this that I thought of today and like a lot, is rather than accumulating victory points throughout the whole championship, make them only matter for each match again - big guilds will still build the super expensive, 125 diamond to rush buildings because they'll be necessary to compete with each other. Especially Inno has "Good" match making that pairs these guilds against each other to determine who's actually best.

Instead of victory points, for the tie breaker, use either "total guild power gained" (which also solves for platinum guilds getting promoted to diamond mid season, and also includes GE and GVG participation, and even HOFs/SOKs which would be a great reason to put them back out)
or prestige.


Active Member
The new prize is a Fragment of Guild Battleground Statue Kit. What are we supposed to do with our Fragments of Statue of Honor Selection Kits? The two are apparently not interchange
If you already have a Statue of Honor in your city then you probably don't need another one. If you have fragments of an SoH then you can just sell them to the Auction. You can do the same with any extra SoH that you have. Same is true for the Great Elephant.


Well i did a half-baked test last night to see where I could break and wipe out. My previous attrition was about 100. Now it's 75. City is FE, att/def is in the 1300/1300 range and AO is 113. SAAB city 1500/1200 AO 112 (yeah, slacking it's the 'fun' city) I could do about 85-90 when I pushed. Also can get about 75 attrition without wiping out. The FE city troops seemed to take a LOT more damage than the SAAB troops. I won't even count the PME city because I'm still building that one, it's sort of part time so not as intense a building and much newer city.

Has anyone else experienced more damage in non-space era cities?


Active Member
Has anyone else experienced more damage in non-space era cities?
I have read but not experienced that as you age up you tend to take more damage and inflict less. Is that true? To clarify. I have 2 cities, one in IND and the other in CA. The damage seems to about the same for me.
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Coach Zuck

Well-Known Member
Well i did a half-baked test last night to see where I could break and wipe out. My previous attrition was about 100. Now it's 75. City is FE, att/def is in the 1300/1300 range and AO is 113. SAAB city 1500/1200 AO 112 (yeah, slacking it's the 'fun' city) I could do about 85-90 when I pushed. Also can get about 75 attrition without wiping out. The FE city troops seemed to take a LOT more damage than the SAAB troops. I won't even count the PME city because I'm still building that one, it's sort of part time so not as intense a building and much newer city.

Has anyone else experienced more damage in non-space era cities?
that might be a bug, they were supposed to have made it easier to get to 100.. I'm pretty sure that the announcement says that, but my food just got here so I'm not double checking...

Coach Zuck

Well-Known Member
I have read but not experienced that as you age up you tend to take more damage and inflict less. Is that true?
yes it takes more attack/defence to get to the same attrition levels, except AF/OF are worse than VF and the later ones (and worse than FE but that's part of the usual trend). Venus was also slightly better than Mars.


that might be a bug, they were supposed to have made it easier to get to 100.. I'm pretty sure that the announcement says that, but my food just got here so I'm not double checking...
Well it HURT to get to 100 but I could do it. Could being the operative word. Can't get anywhere close, so I would love to see the numbers as proposed. Friends also have been tracking their attrition and for 80% reduction tiles they're taking - even over time - more than 20%. Something is not right, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. I have played games all my life. Board games, video games, browser games. sports, etc. I have won and I have lost. I have almost always enjoyed the experience because winning, while nice, is secondary to any game that isn't played competitively. As in either professionally or in an organized competition. This is neither. It is a leisure time activity, and as such the main goal is relaxation and enjoyment. Now, if thinking that you're winning in a game like this makes you feel better, fine. That means you're getting enjoyment. But we all know there's no "winning" this game, and those of us who don't care about even the illusion of winning are still able to achieve the main goal of relaxation and enjoyment. My feedback is that GBG contributes nothing to my enjoyment of the game. It didn't before the changes, and it will do so even less now.
The competition is fun, getting 3rd is fun as long as there is competition, gathering free stuff from a tiny city on the internet isnt fun for me.


Active Member
The competition is fun, getting 3rd is fun as long as there is competition, gathering free stuff from a tiny city on the internet isnt fun for me.
Competition in FOE, lol. CC wars you mean? Buying wins is cheating, not winning. Just because inno chose to monetize the cheats does not make it any less cheating.


Active Member
Well i did a half-baked test last night to see where I could break and wipe out. My previous attrition was about 100. Now it's 75. City is FE, att/def is in the 1300/1300 range and AO is 113. SAAB city 1500/1200 AO 112 (yeah, slacking it's the 'fun' city) I could do about 85-90 when I pushed. Also can get about 75 attrition without wiping out. The FE city troops seemed to take a LOT more damage than the SAAB troops. I won't even count the PME city because I'm still building that one, it's sort of part time so not as intense a building and much newer city.

Has anyone else experienced more damage in non-space era cities?
Do you have a Forgotten Temple? In addition to changing the attrition to be more linear, they added extra red attack/defense from it for GBG (145% in SAT)


Do you have a Forgotten Temple? In addition to changing the attrition to be more linear, they added extra red attack/defense from it for GBG (145% in SAT)
No, I don't have a FT. I forgot to mention FE city is in diamond league and the SAAB city is in platinum - was able to get more hits but still wasn't able to get to previous attrition levels in either city.

The forgotten temple is added into the posted boost - and from what I could tell each attrition went up 10% per point even at 1-2-3 attrition, into the 20s and 30s. After that it went nuts. A friend in PE with hovers recorded 4359% at 131 from 4269% at 130.

Orius Maximus

Well-Known Member
The solo guild that had an early sweep is getting kicked back. We've been pummeling him for the last two days and we're slowly gaining some ground. He's switching his tactics too, not putting as much attrition reduction on his provinces and dropping doubled traps instead. That gives an ugly 90% chance of double attrition when it kicks in, but I'm focusing on getting the 80% reduction. And when I have extra space, I trap him right back.


Active Member
You are one of the ones that thinks Inno owes you a free game?
Don't they still advertise it as a free game? Seems to me that once you make it so one can pay to get ahead, it does remove some of the strategy. But than one doesnt really "win" at this game anyway. If it was a game one actually won, i would say "let the richest player win" instead of the best player. As it is, i can still enjoy it as a free to play player. If they charged to play, i would have to quit. Probably would be a good thing, instantly break my addiction

Pericles the Lion

Well-Known Member
You are one of the ones that thinks Inno owes you a free game?
INNO owes us a free game, if we choose to play it as a free game, because that is how they advertise it. Spending money is, and should remain, optional. If you want to spend your money that is your right. Just don't denigrate players that prefer playing the game for free. I, for one, play for free because it represents a challenge. That is, how well can I compete with players that spend money - and sometimes lots of it? So far, I am happy with the result and have no incentive to spend.


Well-Known Member
INNO owes us a free game, if we choose to play it as a free game, because that is how they advertise it. Spending money is, and should remain, optional. If you want to spend your money that is your right. Just don't denigrate players that prefer playing the game for free. I, for one, play for free because it represents a challenge. That is, how well can I compete with players that spend money - and sometimes lots of it? So far, I am happy with the result and have no incentive to spend.
I didn't denigrate anyone, I was called a cheater because I pay. This comes back around to what I have said before, I feel like I am being punished for being active and spend money. How can Inno owe you a free Game, it has been brought to my attention multiple time now that Inno owes me nothing, yet now they owe you a free game.


Well-Known Member
I have been pushing the competition aspect of the game and everyone has said that is not what the game is about.
Inno has changed GbG in an effort to stop the farming.
So GbG is not for farming and it is not for competition?
Or was this an effort to allow the inactive players to farm as much as the more active players?