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I need advice.


Well-Known Member
I asked in the global chat, "I am looking for anyone actively leveling their arc, if you are, please send PM and FR." A couple people did, including one person in particular. This person is a frequent in the global chat, and is very annoying. He told me that two people are leveling their arc. I noticed that these two people he had been posting about before in global, saying how annoying they are. I left the conversation, but he added me back. I left again, and he added me back. It happened multiple times. I finally said, "Please stop adding me to this conversation." I left it and ignored him, but he still somehow added me back. I reported him, but I don't know what to do because nobody on the support team actually looks at the reports. What should I do?

Attached is just a sliver of me leaving and him adding me back


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The North Wind

Active Member
block him, sometimes it works

When I blocked someone, they just sent a third wheel to message me
so take this advice with a grain of salt, it wont always work


Well-Known Member
One of the many reasons so many players avoid using it is because it's more than a bit like a bunch of teenagers who are left alone at home while the parents are away for the weekend and they found the keys to the locked liquor cabinet. It can get rowdy, rambunctious, explicit, and smack-talk is as common as dirt. If they become vulgar or threaten someone - that is definitely something to consider reporting. If it amounts to smack-talk, you might just want to ease your own mind and just ignore him/her (all of the friends). You won't even see what they're writing. Good luck and hope you find a satisfactory answer.
Thanks! Personally, I like global a lot, and talk to many people on it.


FOE Team
Co-Community Manager
Ill just clarify : support reviews every single report of a breach of rules, including reported messages. Please be assured they are always investigated, so it is important to report anything that does happen so it can be reviewed.


Well-Known Member
Ill just clarify : support reviews every single report of a breach of rules, including reported messages. Please be assured they are always investigated, so it is important to report anything that does happen so it can be reviewed.
Thank you for the clarification! In my experience, however, I have reported people for things much, much worse than this, and they are still playing the next day, and the day after. For example, this one player was verbally abusing another player, and using words that really shouldn't ever be said. Me and a couple other people in the global chat reported him, and nothing happened to the player. They were posting on global the next day, and continue to occasionally cus out players on global.