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Which event has the best daily special to diamonds ratio?


Active Member
Has anyone done the math on which event provides the most daily specials per diamonds? Please include the logic or math behind your answers.

Pericles the Lion

Well-Known Member
Has anyone done the math on which event provides the most daily specials per diamonds? Please include the logic or math behind your answers.
Mathmatically, they are all equal. Every event that provides daily specials does so in a way that awards some number of daily specials by expending zero diamonds. X divided by zero is undefined making all such events equal using this metric. :)

Ebeondi Asi

Well-Known Member
The best events can be determined by calculating the number of prizes divided by the ratio of Diamonds /Tokens required to play times the points gained in personal points for the top prize. :rolleyes:
For a small consideration I will actually tell you which ones are best in a PM.
since it is a lot of work to figure out which ones are worth doing. (plus depends on what era you are in, how much you actually are willing to spend per Event, What you want from the game as a whole, and how snooty you are. ;)
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Well-Known Member
I don't know the exact numbers but can tell you anecdotally Fall Event seems to be easiest to win dailies in, and spending 1,095 diamonds gets you quite a few more attempts at it, especially if you are going for the minimum-ingredient recipes.

Out of them all I would have to say it's the Fall Event.


Active Member
I don't know the exact numbers but can tell you anecdotally Fall Event seems to be easiest to win dailies in, and spending 1,095 diamonds gets you quite a few more attempts at it, especially if you are going for the minimum-ingredient recipes.

Out of them all I would have to say it's the Fall Event.
Thank you for this. I was thinking maybe the Forge Bowl with the ultimate coach activated. Here is a thorough analysis that I found from someone named BitterAfternoon:

"...Forge Bowl is very good for winning daily specials (~800 diamonds/special) - but perhaps has one of the weakest slates of buildings: Winner's Plaza (attack with no FP), Sentinel Outpost (attacking defense with amazing efficiency but you need a lot of em to make a difference), Olympic Treasury (FP + goods + Attacking defense), Terracotta Vineyard - which is a chain building - not space efficient but early in a city can be a way to get a lot of stuff that's better than ordinary buildings to fill your city. It is however moderately expensive to get additional grand prizes (and the grand prize this year isn't great) - ~3200 diamonds per GP level.
St Patricks event is potentially one of the worst events to go for extra stuff on. It has no daily special mechanic. The replacement for it you have very little choice from. It also requires extra work to use any event currency you bought efficiently as anything more than the 1st set of chests at the end of a city costs a lot more. As such you need to finish more cities to have more opportunities to spend efficiently. It's still ~1750 diamonds per extra grand prize level (+ the extra work). (and then more past ~2 extra completed grand prizes as that will consume finishing a city almost every day efficiently - so you'll either then have to pay to finish cities even faster or pay to buy the second slate of chests at the end of a city which cost twice as much)
Spring event might be changing this year. It's been an average-ish sort of event for winning both grand prizes and specials I think - but has historically lacked particularly good ones of either. ~1000 diamonds / special or ~3200 diamonds / level of the new grand prize.
Archaeology Event and Hallowe'en event are pretty brutal for winning daily specials from historically. Archaeology finally has one you might be fine with winning this year - but hallowe'en has had two favorites so far. So you have to really want the grand prize from them too to be efficient events to spend on (for which they're typically ~2600 diamonds / gp level vs ~3000 diamonds per daily special.
Soccer Event is a pretty average event. It does offer the best Chain building, Hippodrome which is the giant long race track you'll see in some people's cities with a collection at each end. You can also just go for multiple of the carceres end instead of building a track if you want attacking defense. It's ~1600 diamonds per special via drinks, ~3200 diamonds per grand prize level via drinks, ~1000 diamonds per special via tickets.
Wildlife Event was just debuted last year - if you're good at the minigame it can be quite bonkers. And it has the current reigning champ for best all-round building (Eagle Mountain has solid attack, attacking defense, FP, and goods). But seeing as we've only seen one year of it and that year had nerfs between beta and live, we're yet to find out if they're okay with what it turned into or will nerf it further. If it stays the same it's one of the most skill dependent minigames they've used - if you can mostly stick to buying tickets and not powers you might be able to average ~500 diamonds per daily special I'd say via tickets - though I didn't track specials that closely this year as I was mostly chasing grand prizes (~2000 diamonds per level) and saving most of my diamonds for fall event (I just made sure to finish 2 of the new building on my main world)
Summer event is a pretty good event to spend on conditionally. You get 20 spins for 1750 diamonds which if you're in an active hood and can wait for the wheel to have what you want, should be a bit over 2 things of interest (assuming 1/9 chance to hit the thing you want on the wheel). 20 spins will also get you ~40 grand prize progress which typically has the grand prize coming in at under 20k. It has had some good main prizes like Pirate Hideout this past year, so it'll have some good specials to go for. If you're in an inactive hood however then the wheel won't be refreshed much and your ability to get the special you want will be reduced.
Fall Event is a pretty average event for specials economically but has one of the most appealing specials in Fall Fields. It's ~1200 diamonds per special. But pretty expensive for grand prizes at ~3500 diamonds per GP upgrade.
Winter Event is also an all-round average event economically. It's pretty cheap to get the first special of a day (on average) - at an expected cost of about 70 stars = ~750 diamonds. But if you want a lot of 1 special it costs significantly more for the followup specials as first you have to find the shuffle to start over. It also has a high variance because you can go for runs of 300+ stars at times where you keep finding the shuffle before the special. Given that you win a fair number of stars back, it also can be pretty efficient for going for the new feature building if you want it at ~1700 diamonds per GP level.

One final closing point, often events will give you 2 or 3 levels towards your second building if you play them optimally - so often just a 2nd grand prize is a budget-conscious way to spend when you like the event's new main prize."
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