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Recent content by Anastasia Lionheart

  1. Feedback for update 1.282

    I have two together and it is hit and miss to do that. fortunately, I only have one city
  2. Feedback for update 1.282

    I KNOW it happened. I was at HA and we actually had a 200 FP thread. But it doesn’t change the fact that if one has a BG and gets more than 99 FP from let’s say, 260 FP from a settlement building, one needs to place It and do an RQ, otherwise one’s high CF is worthless, and start again. In...
  3. Feedback for update 1.282

    I want to collect each of my settlements with my BG that has 15x for 2x chance. the point is that EVERY 100+ building you can only collect once with the cap of collection of 100. So it’s not useful to do your method until after each of the settlement buildings is collected And then you can...
  4. Feedback for update 1.282

    I know it happened. If you want to know it happened, you do it.
  5. Feedback for update 1.282

    You want me to show you something in writing that happened 6 years ago? You’re kidding, right?
  6. Feedback for update 1.282

    It’s not just the settlement building. That was an example. Why not collect them all at the same time? Because Inno does NOT allow more than 100 FP on the Bar UNLESS the particular building when collected IS more than 100 FP. So a building that has 99 FP, you can add another building to...
  7. Feedback for update 1.282

    You’re wrong. There WAS a time (2018 I think) when we could collect everything from our city and then place the FP in the swap threads. I remember it clearly. You can also play in GE and QI and GBG and let the FP add up on the bar. But city collection is limited to the GB of Event Building...
  8. Feedback for update 1.282

    Until Inno brings back the ability to put more than 100 FP on the bar, collecting and getting the FP RQ is a HUGE waste of time. Each of my GBs is near or above 100 and I have to stop and rinse and repeat 13x for the FP RQ that is 200 and 250 in Titan. What a huge waste of time. Get 108 FP for...
  9. Feedback for Quantum Incursions

    Hurry up and wait, and wait, and wait, and then get frags and rewards that go into inventory with the rest of the junk that there’s no space to place them on the town. I need granny frags?or jumping pumpkins that my event buildings both make and I have no more place to put? It’s the Frag of...
  10. Feedback for Wildlife Event 2024

    Already they've introduced too much. Every Tuesday GE. Every 11 days GBG. Every two months or so for 60 days or so, an Event. SC and HC for doing RQ and now there's 14 aborts to get to 2-FP RQ in TItan. It's ridiculous. But that's me. It's a shame, really. As I said, once upon a time this...
  11. Feedback for Wildlife Event 2024

    Absolutely. And that's why I have five Col in inventory as well. The point is that incremental improvement over time is possible when one isn't inundated with events and GBG rewards that can never be placed or aren't worthy. Inno needs to give more space. That's the upshot. It removed city...
  12. Feedback for Wildlife Event 2024

    Yes. I'll be putting two of them out. And have too many Gold ups and they'll be more. I already have the Vibrant Vineyards.
  13. Feedback for Wildlife Event 2024

    They're in inventory. And that's where they'll stay along with all the other junk that I can't put put. Visit my town--I'm up for suggestions. ANd no, I can't give up the Sakura Rocks bec they're each 21K of happiness. So while I would be opening to get rid of them, and have taken some away...
  14. Feedback for Wildlife Event 2024

    My point was that there are so many events and rewards that it's impossible with the limited space. When the game started there was no arc and no arctic eras. Inno got really cheap with the expansions and makes one buy them with diamonds for the upper levels. I'm bursting and the last thing I...
  15. Feedback for Wildlife Event 2024

    I call it Forge of Fragments now. WIth no where to place new items.