Forum Rules
- Each player is allowed one forum account.
- Anything deemed politically extreme, pornographic, illegal, or unsavory in any way is prohibited.
- Racist or ethnic bashing comments are forbidden even if used in jest.
- Comments that play down the use of illegal drugs or promote the use of said substances are strictly forbidden.
- No use of profanity will be permitted (including masked profanity). If it's something a moderator feels is inappropriate, it will be edited.
- Treat each other with respect and remain polite. You are welcome to disagree with someone however it must be done in a respectful manner. Derogatory and insulting posts will be removed. Continued removal of such posts may result in forum privileges being suspended or removed.
- Personal insults are not allowed anywhere in this forum, including reputation, profiles and private messages.
- Spam and off-topic comments will be deleted. This includes comments such as "in before lock" and one-word posts. If you wish to let the poster know you approve or disapprove of their post, please use the report system.
- Do not use copyrighted materials of any kind in your posts.
- It is not allowed to rebuke another user concerning his grammar/spelling. If the grammar/spelling of a user is that bad, report the post.
- Do not include lots of unnecessary quotations.
- No sharing of illegal content.
- No spam or soliciting.
- Links to or discussions of third party apps or other sites are not allowed.
- It is permitted to discuss other FoE servers, but please bear in mind that they are separate entities, and what goes for one may not necessarily go for another. There are some exceptions to this rule:
Just as it is not permitted to discuss the actions of moderators from this server, It is also not permitted to discuss the actions of moderators from other FoE servers here. To do so serves no purpose whatsoever, as the support teams are also entirely separate from one another. If you have a problem with the moderation team on another server, please raise a ticket on that server.
Please use the spoiler section to post about events being tested on beta ahead of the event or feature being announced here. This includes, but is not limited to, details of specific quests. Once the event is announced here, it may of course also be discussed here. However, since not all players like to know in advance what quests are coming up, should you post such information, please enclose it in spoiler tags
- To report the breaching of rules by another player in the forum please use the report button - you will find a clickable 'Report' text to the left of their post.
- Users are not allowed to impersonate moderators.
- Do not attempt to provoke the moderators. This action will be punished harshly.
- Players who deliberately act against the building of the community will be denied access to these forums.
- Maximum size images you are allowed to post are 640 by 640 pixels in dimension.
- No animated images are allowed.
- Images containing player names must have the player names obfuscated
- Please ensure you are creating topics in the right forum.
- Avoid repetition of topics. If you post a repeat topic, please alert a moderator!
- Please choose appropriate topic titles. A bad example would be "Help!" or "Question".
The Moderators (mods) are volunteers recruited by the Admins and Community Manager. They come in Three Forms, and you can tell which is which by their title and the color of their banner:
Forum Moderator: Only have rights in the specific forums they Moderate, nowhere else. They will moderate fairly and will answer any questions you have that they are able to.
In Game Moderator: Not related to forum moderation in any way.
If you have a problem with the moderation of any subforum or the forum in general, please do not create a topic or post in public about it. Contact a moderator with your problem and we will either explain the reasons or do our best to solve the problem should one exist. Creating topics and posting about it only serves to increase public unrest and will not solve any problems.
We allow no discussion (this includes instigating discussion, by mentioning specific bans or moderating actions) of Ingame Moderation (or bans or cheating) in the forums.
To report the breaching of rules by another player In Game please use the support system. Do not open complaint topics in the forum. Any reference to IG (In Game) Bans, Ban discussion (forum or IG) or cheating is forbidden. Please note that this includes advertising cheating (i.e, offering premium points for services ingame). The Forge of Empires Team will act with discretion in all situations. This is to maintain the privacy that stands between Moderators and Players, and we expect that privacy to be upheld by players also.
This applies to Forum Moderation as well as IG Moderation.
The mods have a very tough job: it can be hard to keep the balance between a clean forum and a fun forum on a daily basis, and they also receive a lot of negative comments and abuse regularly. We would ask that you remain patient with all moderators and that you would be helpful and polite when talking to them; this will make their job that much easier, and in turn make the forum a more pleasant place.
Please note that most moderators still play FoE! They have as much a right to post in the capacity of a player as any other user on the forums: No mod will ever mod the worlds that they play, and thus there is no element of Bias involved. Remember that they are volunteers, and are players just like you. This means that outside their realm as a moderator, they are to be treated as you would treat any other player.
Individually judging each possible infraction and acting accordingly is at the sole discretion of the FoE Team.
- If you have a query or problem with any of the moderation, do not create a topic about it. Please PM the Community Manager.
- Do not insult or degrade any of the moderators in any way.
- The moderators have the right to edit or delete posts and close topics. Please follow their instructions.
- If you notice that your post or topic was deleted, it has been removed for a good reason. Do not rewrite it. If need be, PM the moderator in question about why it was removed. Do not post in the forums asking why your post was removed or edited.
- InnoGames reserves the right to remove any thread for any reason.
- When you breach a rule, you will receive a warning. If a 3rd warning is needed, a ban may be applied
- In very serious rule breaches, advance warnings may not be given.
- Repeated warnings may result in permanent exclusions of specific threads or our forums.
- If you are banned from the forum or thread temporarily, you are not allowed to create an account to evade this ban. Doing so may result in a permanent ban, and any additional accounts will be permanently banned.
- Arguing against the Forge of Empires team who uphold these rules will be punished and topics that seek to create or worsen existing problems will be deleted.
Repeated violations may result in probation or permanent removal from the forums.
Please note that we reserve the right to ban or infract players.
- Final arbitration of any rule breach or ban is the responsibility of the Community Manager.
Private messages
- Conversations, discussions, and arguments between two people should be done in private. Please use the private message system in this forum or other applications (e.g. IRC, Skype)
- Do not harass other people through the use of private messages. Repeatedly spamming private messages for personal gain or to irritate other users will result in infractions. All forum rules also apply to private messages unless stated otherwise.
- It is not allowed to impose derogations upon the company of Innogames, nor any of its products or personnel. This forum is the property of Innogames GMBH., all rights reserved.
- Do not post private messages or communications in a public post Revised February, 2021