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Server is down

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It is technical difficulties between Inno and the data provider. Not an upgrade problem, not (as far as they know) any kind of attack.


Well this sucks I just kicked off a +1 turn Negotiate in the Tavern for GE, and then it all fell over :(


Well-Known Member
Oh I wondered what was going on ... I can log on, I can collect, but once I collect I cannot select the building to restart new production ... oh well ... another party on the forums ... seem to be having a lot of those lately


And amazing how it seems it's only the US server. The International (England) one is fine.


working for me now but lost my tavern silver had to do it again. Thanks Inno


Well-Known Member
working fine for me now - reset production, messaging, global is active, done stuff on the GvG maps ...

UPDATE: HA!! Spoke too soon ... up and down like a ****** knickers lmao


=( I was right in the middle of collecting my buildings... Now they're all going to be out of sync.


I was loading my defense army, had not finished selecting them...still, nobody can get on so should be ok :)


Seems this has been happening quite often lately.............


Since it looks like we're gonna be here for a bit longer, we should start a fire, roast marshmallows and tell stories or something.
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