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Server is down

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Since it looks like we're gonna be here for a bit longer, we should start a fire, roast marshmallows and tell stories or something.
It was daylight when you woke up in your ditch.....
You looked up at your sky then.....
That made blue be your color,

you had your knife there with you too.....
When you stood up
there was goo all over your clothes.....
Your hands were sticky
You wiped them on your grass,

so now your color was green
Oh Lord,
why did everything always have to keep changing like this
You were already getting nervous again
Your head hurt and it rang when you stood up
Your head was almost empty
It always hurt you when you woke up like this
You crawled up out of your ditch onto your gravel road and began to walk
Waiting for the rest of your mind to come back to you
You can see the car parked far down the road and you walked toward it
If God is our Father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
Why didn't anyone else understand these important things?
You got to your car and tried all the doors
They were locked. it was a red car and it was new
There was an expensive leather camera case laying on the seat
Out across your field, you could see two tiny people walking by your woods
You began to walk towards them

Now red was your color and, of course
Those little people out there were yours too............


What goes up,down,up,down,up,down,up,down,up,down,up,down,up,down,up,down, ahhh.


Ummmm.....A centipede that just crossed the teeth of a comb laying on the ground? Oo



they probably just had to run down and grab a latte and croissant, mmmmmm :cool:


I had a 30% Offensive boost from my tavern going for 24 hours....I wonder if I will be reimbursed? (◕^^◕)


Yep this is no bueno. Have Inno even acknowledged this is going on?


Since Elvenar got terrible, couldn't Inno just scrap it and lessen the load on the server?


There are people who got lucky enough to get in, I would suggest not logging out because you won't get back in


There are people who got lucky enough to get in, I would suggest not logging out because you won't get back in

Yea I made the mistake of logging out and havent been able to get back in for over 2 hrs now.


The US servers are up. If you need to collect your goodies you will need to log in on a device.
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