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What is driving people away from FoE?

Johnny B. Goode

Well-Known Member
Sure you can. There are lots of guilds that have zero requirements for GE/GBG/QI. The "pressure" that you are feeling is self-imposed.
Typical. Ignore everything else and tell someone, "it's not the game, it's you." And someone who has a valid point, not that you care about that. Why do you even come to the Forum? You're not interested in seeing any other side but the Inno side of everything. A bot could do your posting for you. :rolleyes:

Just An Observer

Well-Known Member
Now it all makes sense as to why I struggle with this game...
Dom, you are one of the best players in the game! Stools need 3 legs at least and it takes all 3 being present for a player to do well. The difference in the Magic community and the Mage Knight community with FoE is that the first two are gamer-centered places to be. FoE advertised on TV and got the general population involved, which is reflected in how few really good players and just a handful of guilds at the top who stay there until something happens. Genuine gamers are a small minority in the world.

Ebeondi Asi

Well-Known Member
Typical. Ignore everything else and tell someone, "it's not the game, it's you." And someone who has a valid point, not that you care about that. Why do you even come to the Forum? . A bot could do your posting for you. :rolleyes:
You should also be looking in a mirror when you tell yourself that. ;)


Well-Known Member
Stools need 3 legs at least
Not true! There are 1 leg stools!

Ultracompact things that let you rest pretty much anywhere purportedly. Some of them also have a second purpose as a walking-stick. I've looked at them before out of curiosity. Never decided to get one though.

Pericles the Lion

Well-Known Member
Typical. Ignore everything else and tell someone, "it's not the game, it's you." And someone who has a valid point, not that you care about that. Why do you even come to the Forum? You're not interested in seeing any other side but the Inno side of everything. A bot could do your posting for you. :rolleyes:
Do you feel any pressure to perform in GE/GBG/QI? Of course not. Why? Because you are in solo guilds on all of your worlds. You could write a book on avoiding pressure in FoE. If the guild is applying uncomfortable pressure then change guilds.


Well-Known Member
In other words, the PRESSURE is there to do all the things, whether you really have time or not.

That and if that's the game, and we're here to play the game, saying to just ignore part of it can quickly turn into ignore 3/4's of the game. A small side feature like Daily Challenges is much easier to ignore than something designed to be a major feature


Active Member
I enjoy QI, but it requires boosts from GBG, settlements, and GE. I stopped GBG a long time ago because of how much time it demands; I complete GE5 each season and enjoy settlements, but as a Christian I don't like planting pagan temples and trees in my city, so there goes those boosts. I have been getting satisfaction from the game by adapting my game play to the unique challenge of completing the VF continent map from LMA but I think they just yanked that possibility by nerfing a specific aspect of the game, an aspect that I just spent the last 2 events and hundreds of BG attempts on developing. This might just be the straw that breaks the camels back.
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Well-Known Member
but as a Christian I don't like planting pagan temples and trees in my city
I had the same thought, but then I realized it was just a game. I am not physically going to a Shinto Temple to worship every day, I'm not praying to some Egyptian god. As long as you aren't actually practicing that, I believe it is ok.

In real life, it would be different. Putting up pictures and shrines to random gods would not be ok, but this is a game. It's not real life.

That's another thing, it's a game. There's not really much pressure unless you make it. Doing eight encounters in GE takes about two minutes. 20 hits/day in GBG comes out to over 200 hits at the end, and that will take a very small amount of time. QI doesn't take that long, either. I collect, make units, and then autobattle. It might not be the best strategy, but I'm getting well over 200 hits/season. It doesn't take much time.

Many people play the game like it's real life, they get so worked up over everything. You don't have to do that. (I do agree that lots of people are leaving, though — mainly because of GvG, and because QI sucks.)


Active Member
Since starting this thread, I've done some serious soul-searching, and I am also going to wind down and quit FoE. I went to the discord today after vowing many times I would never install that piece of *expletive* and discovered I was right. I'm deleting it from my computer, and that was the final straw -- since INNO is determined to destroy this game for me, I see no reason to continue to support them, either by money, recommendation, or by my continued participation in a game that no longer holds any fun at all for me.

I did notice that there is a much bigger thread on discord about how FoE has been destroyed for many, many people, for pretty much the same reasons as have been listed here, and many people there saying they are quitting FoE. It's such a shame because it was really fun for a while, but I'm not the type to throw bad money after good, so I'll use up the diamonds I still have and then delete my cities and say goodbye.


Well-Known Member
Then there's me, who's just let go of all of the competition, doing FoE for collections, and staying a bit longer for a good city design and events.

I'm at 100 million points and used to be a competitive HAU fighter, till I got bored and aged up. I'm minimizing FoE to probably only 80 minutes a day. But I can agree that the transition tested my FOMO and OCD, especially because I was on the removal list for a whole month in my previous competitive guild.


Well-Known Member
That's another thing, it's a game. There's not really much pressure unless you make it. Doing eight encounters in GE takes about two minutes. 20 hits/day in GBG comes out to over 200 hits at the end, and that will take a very small amount of time. QI doesn't take that long, either. I collect, make units, and then autobattle. It might not be the best strategy, but I'm getting well over 200 hits/season. It doesn't take much time.

And that's precisely why I'm avoiding Limited-Time Upgrades as much as possible

There comes a point in any game where simply doing whatever hits a wall and if you want to make any decent progress you have to take a proper crack at it.

Temporary buildings makes that point come around sooner. The moment I need to maintain a temporary boost there's no way to approach it on a casual basis unless we're flooded with so many temporary boosts they may as well be permanent. I don't want to start building my city around temporary buildings, take a break and then when I come back find I'm starting from scratch on all those temporary upgrades.

At least when it's a permanent building I can take time off without losing any progress
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Active Member
That's another thing, it's a game. There's not really much pressure unless you make it. Doing eight encounters in GE takes about two minutes. 20 hits/day in GBG comes out to over 200 hits at the end, and that will take a very small amount of time. QI doesn't take that long, either. I collect, make units, and then autobattle. It might not be the best strategy, but I'm getting well over 200 hits/season. It doesn't take much time.
All those things you list as not taking much time are the tedious, boring, repetitive things. Click "attack", some units, "autobattle", rinse and repeat 200 times. That's NOT fun, it's boring, as are most events, aid and visit, campaign maps, and most quest lines. Building, raising GBs, arranging a city, settlement, colony, etc., some events that actually require thinking, those are the fun parts. Strategy is the lifeblood of a good game, and sadly FoE doesn't have anywhere near enough of that.


New Member
It gets to the point where lowering ones idea of what it means to be successful at this game makes it difficult to remain engaged. Skill and strategy mean less and less. Tedious is the name of the game now. And if your idea of success is getting the most desirable buildings, that too often has a direct correlation on how much you are willing to spend and if you are willing to join one of the top guilds where you gotta do all the tedious stuff. This is not a knock on the top guilds. Their founders have earned what they have. And for those who don't mind spending real money...I suppose that is just fine. There is a fool born every minute and Inno attracts more than their fair share. But is it sustainable? I hope not. Then comes the rebalances of things that do nothing to improve the balance. GbG rebalance changed nothing. Then the championship buildings come out where very few will actually get them. The rebalance of the AD that has not come to the live servers yet. That is going to piss a lot of people off. The current item on beta up for bid starts at 1.2 million coins. Most things don't get bid on at all. Rivals add to the tedium and are becoming more and more necessary to do well in the poorly planned and executed events that come up and even then, unless you have a load of time on your hands you are not going to get that main building unless you pay to get it. It used to be that getting the main event building was achievable in all events so long as you put thought into it and use some of that skill and stategy that is becoming more and more useless as strategy gets replaced by purchases. Foe is not that fancy, or anywhere near good enough a game to justify spending that much real money on. I would like to see more done for the all players who are active and have skills that have come from dedicating their time for years in this game. Show some loyalty to the players who have been loyal to the game. Give something back


Well-Known Member
This new event is making me want to simply ignore it. That is another thing to drive away players is the endless events that require daily play of the minigame as opposed to where you used to have a good number of events where you could simply do the quests and wait for a daily special you wanted and then spend all your event currency on a given day.


Well-Known Member
as a Christian I don't like planting pagan temples and trees in my city, so there goes those boosts
Ok I'm sorry but this is hilarious. If your god is fine with you celebrating christmas with a christmas tree, stockings, caroling, gift giving, Santa, etc. which were all stolen from pagan tradition (not to mention basically every other Christian holiday that took pagan... "inspiration"), I think the dude is chill with you having a *gasp* pagan building in your online historical city building game.

For example, you can have a house of the wolf without believing werewolves exist.
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