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Well-Known Member

6. Bots and scripts​

It is strictly forbidden to use bots or scripts.

  • Examples:
  • It is strictly forbidden to use bots or scripts that automatically collect your resources.
  • It is not allowed to use click-bots or scripts that minimize your manual clicks.
  • You may not use programs that mimic premium features or provide an unfair advantage.


The moderators are the ones using the bots!! Isn't that right Captain Kirk?, or what ever you changed your name to now!!


New Member
Are bots allowed in GBG?
Can someone explain how a guild goes from 0 to 360 attacks in gbg while our guild goes from 180 to 223 in the same time frame? This is what prompted the bot question. Bots have driven me off two previous online games (the official word with them was "bots were illegal".

Ebeondi Asi

Well-Known Member
Can someone explain how a guild goes from 0 to 360 attacks in gbg while our guild goes from 180 to 223 in the same time frame?
If the have 42 players on and your Guild has 5. that is 8.3 times the hits. So even allowing they are all just a s slow as your players are, they only need 8 times as many players on. f you has six and they had 48 on.. Or if they are just normally much faster at clicking.. If by chance they are on average twice as fast as your guys they would only need 25 players to wipe your team.
A few years ago I was three times faster than I am now when I got excited. Now if I get too excited my hand start shaking (old age creeping in ) Before that even at age 72 I have the reflexes if an 18 year old. Now. not so much.
The real problem in in players heads, those who think no one can be faster than they are. When usually half or more others are usually faster., with no bots. Plus higher boosts allow fighting with no reload of troops. So players can go more fights with no reload. Some allow troops to die and no swapping, just replace dead ones. (i used to do that and yes it's a lot faster.. Using only one kind of troop is faster than two.. etc .

Pericles the Lion

Well-Known Member
Can someone explain how a guild goes from 0 to 360 attacks in gbg while our guild goes from 180 to 223 in the same time frame? This is what prompted the bot question. Bots have driven me off two previous online games (the official word with them was "bots were illegal".
It's sad that underachievers often cannot see their own shortcomings. Instead, they accuse the achievers of foul play,