Knighty Night ~ [NC-17] Active, symbiotic GE/ GB focused family for knowledgeable players as well as newbies willing to accept guidance. Can you complete GE lvl 4 or want to? Apply today.
PM R3S3RV3D0UTC0M3 in game for any questions you may have.
We trade fair or better than fair to guildies and expect some minor hustle to obtain an OBS/ Arc or pay your share of Goods for GE for certain ages. Other than that we are building our cities, camaraderie, communication, and reciprocity. We highly recommend a ToR as well as all 3 military buildings for GE efficacy.
We are currently a small guild steadily closing in on lvl 10. Most of us complete 64/ 48 encounters, and everyone is pushing harder week after week to perfect their city to help the guild as well as themselves achieve maximum success. If you can pull your own weight and prefer polite, respectful adults, then we are the guild for you.
Hope to talk with you soon.
Council Member of Knighty Night
PM R3S3RV3D0UTC0M3 in game for any questions you may have.
We trade fair or better than fair to guildies and expect some minor hustle to obtain an OBS/ Arc or pay your share of Goods for GE for certain ages. Other than that we are building our cities, camaraderie, communication, and reciprocity. We highly recommend a ToR as well as all 3 military buildings for GE efficacy.
We are currently a small guild steadily closing in on lvl 10. Most of us complete 64/ 48 encounters, and everyone is pushing harder week after week to perfect their city to help the guild as well as themselves achieve maximum success. If you can pull your own weight and prefer polite, respectful adults, then we are the guild for you.
Hope to talk with you soon.
Council Member of Knighty Night