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Question about activity log of contributions


Is there any way to track who the last person was that put forge points on a great building of yours and levels it up? I can see an activity log, but it doesn't show who actually leveled it.


The only way is to memorize each person's contribution, but it's less effective if you have too many GB's.
So practically there is no way to do so.


The only way is to memorize each person's contribution, but it's less effective if you have too many GB's.
So practically there is no way to do so.
And even that method isn't foolproof. If you wrote down all the contributions when there were 10 FP left to level, and it levels before the next time you check, theoretically 10 people could have each put 1 FP on there, and you would still have no idea who put the last one on to level it. And if 2 or more of them put them on pretty much simultaneously, thinking they were leaving it for you to level, one of them would be accidentally leveling it without meaning to. Best not to obsess about who did it, just grimace about it for a second, then move on. :)


There are several screen capture programs available (Lightshot is one). On a PC, you can take a screen shot of your GB when it is close to being leveled, then compare the difference after it is leveled. I've caught several players that way who didn't know better and helped educate them. It will happen though, can't be avoided. regards.


Active Member
I take Screen shots also with SnagIt but Stephen is right, even then you don't know for sure - the only 2 GB's that can be leveled without causing harm is Zeus and ToR since they have no collectable output!


Double dipping is just like driving and gettin lucky on prom nite. It is a privilege..not a right. I'm with you on the aggravation and education of new players. But unless they are dropping the last point on a level 40 fp producer...its not that serious...