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the lady keeps hearing her donkeys squil so she looks out the cabin window to see a
large serpent with feathers ! she grabs the shot gun but he gone .
the end
(donkey enclosure ,serpent from ge5 an log cabin )
things that need no road .need 1 direction ,train gose 1 way elephant from gbg gose a diffrent way .statue of honor an road to victory gose another way .
now the dragon from ge5 gose a diffrent one
i use to not play the events i was good ,did bye a few diamonds some times .limted budget you can do only so much .i love this game ,will keep playing it .but have to stop spending so much on it .bills an food first then fun
do not wish to add more things to my sign in account it hard enough rembering what i have for the game an then i have RL stuff to rember also an of course lots of notes cause i cant rember
I had credit in my google play acct that i was saving for foe...but instead decided to invest in some movies. Just bought rise of skywalker. Its an excellent movie. Probaley will buy one more.