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Pardon Me

Pericles the Lion

Well-Known Member
Everyone please be aware that posts and responses regarding the same issue on multiple RELATED threads will be called out as spamming [what?] by certain long-term users of the Forum.
Opinions contrary to the establishment are especially susceptible.
Retort Artistry will confront you if you dare.
Are they Loyalists?
Do they Love Argument?
Or perhaps I should never speak ill of our beloved game?
I have spent $K during my own 8+ year tenure.
Please forgive my boldness if I opinion about MY game.
I apologize to everyone for any offence given by this post.
Even as I brace for "their" attack.
I will be Impaled for this post.

PS: I do not plunder or snipe.
If you are in one of my worlds, glad to help.
Congratulations. You have moved on from spamming and are now trolling.

Dominator - X

Well-Known Member
Everyone please be aware that posts and responses regarding the same issue on multiple RELATED threads will be called out as spamming [what?] by certain long-term users of the Forum.
Opinions contrary to the establishment are especially susceptible.
Retort Artistry will confront you if you dare.
Are they Loyalists?
Do they Love Argument?
Or perhaps I should never speak ill of our beloved game?
I have spent $K during my own 8+ year tenure.
Please forgive my boldness if I opinion about MY game.
I apologize to everyone for any offence given by this post.
Even as I brace for "their" attack.
I will be Impaled for this post.

PS: I do not plunder or snipe.
If you are in one of my worlds, glad to help.
You have played for more than 8 years and you don't snipe? Definitely not playing the game right.