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Dominator - X
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  • Wow i dont know why but currently saving tons of bp's for arc yet i dont have anything to start building it, in both cities in EN and Y. Having an arc seems to be more popular than an obs.
    ARC 60-80 like pulling the shades And brightening a dark room
    pm me please
    Dominator - X
    Dominator - X
    I just saw this request to PM you. Am I in trouble again? Do you still need me to PM you? How do I PM you from this forum?

    Thank you and sorry.
    Honestly, I have forgotten why. Thanks for the reply anyway!
    Dominator - X
    Dominator - X
    LOL. I do that all the time and I am not even old yet. I was probably in big trouble, but you softened over time.

    Sorry. ;~}
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