It's the only thing that holds some of us to this game atm that and our blood thirsty natures.I've been playing for ages. The main thing that kept my interest was GVG. Waiting for more details on guild raids for now.
Agreed. They better release details before the Halloween Event. Not spending any more diamonds until I decide if it is worth continuing.They better release details soon, while everybody's still here. It could be the difference of whether that percentage stops playing or not.
Considering hardly anyone played it, I doubt it.The end of FoE.
Well said!! Except I have no hope for anything but another money grab that ignores what made this game unique.GvG has been the best part of this game. Coming together in guild chat and/or discord once a day for a common goal. Friendships formed. Strategies honed. Teamwork at its best and it was time limited, maybe an hour a day. It was about the guild not about individual game play.
Battlegrounds just hasn't become that mostly because of the time suck it is. It's just constant, constant, constant with not enough of a break time between seasons. It ends up burning out people who lead. It has become more about individual gains (fights/rewards) rather than guild gains for the majority of people even with the newer GBG updates.
I sincerely hope that this new Guild Raids feature isn't set up as a round the clock never stopping thing, burning out people who step up to lead. That it still gives the opportunity to come together in chat/discord at a specific time to work together for a common goal.
There were only roughly 1000 people playing GvG across all of the servers combined. I don't think this is the end of FoE for anyone besides the very small handful of players that clung dearly to itThe end of FoE.
If you are focused on individual rewards and rank, then you won't understand the loss. Gvg was the closest thing to a virtual team play. We got together on Discord, planned with our guild and oir allies, helped each other build our cities once the brief fight was done, and most importantly shared our lives. We sent gifts, literally shared real life resources, got together when traveling, sustained each other in need, rejoiced with each other's successes. This was the one feature which we have not been able to replace elsewhere or we would have left long ago. I quit spending the day they announced new gbg because it became obvious gvg is meant to die. We long ago understood its no longer supported but we hung on for lack of an alternativeI think GvG was in serious need of a revamp rather than being eliminated all together. There are currently guilds have the top ranking based on GvG stats based on nothing more than using scripts on a daily basis to make sure no one can ever take their territory in the AA map for example. Also, if you play fair you have to click 3 times simply to fight on sectors that are controlled by other guilds. There are numerous other glitches in GvG, which makes it frustrating to fight. GvG would be fun to play if these issues were fixed.
Having said that, I see no reason for anyone to quit over an end to GvG, which is an aspect of the game that gives zero individual rewards like fp etc. such can be had in GbG.
GvG was broken though due to all the players using scripts-at that point it ceased being fun!Long ago this became a miserable, individualized game that rewards cheaters with bots, people willing to spend way too much of their life online, and an obvious relentless grab for our cash. I only remain in the game for the fun of getting together for an hour at a specific time, logging into discord, competing with others while making friends whose lives have become a part of mine. During Covid isolation tjese people literally saved my life. Gbg is a grind, where sure you work together for a goal but the daily social gathering in which we share our lives, our pain, our joys, and even sometimes meet in person will now end. Not surprised that inno will now add another feature to add reasons to spend. Gvg was my game and why I spent time and money. Our group of several guilds will go find some new excuse to get together and spend our money elsewhere. Thanks for the heads-up!