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Search results

  1. Charmante

    2 Questions:

    1) How do I obtain SoH and what's it give you? 2) On same age goods trades, what's the normal ratio? I HAVE Marble and Dye; I NEED Wine, Stone, and Lumber. I need 40 of each of the 3 above listed goods items...
  2. Charmante

    I need 40 IA Goods...?

    My Doubloons quest requires I donate 40 IA Goods to a Guild -- ALL I have are Bronze Age goods -- is anyone on Tuulech willing to Trade me 40 IA Goods for BA? THANKS!!!
  3. Charmante

    Daily Challenge...

    I'm not sure how to complete the "Win 3 Battles" part? What kind? Like, taking over territory or PvP, or what?
  4. Charmante

    GB's avl in Iron Ages...

    Just so I'm accurate and I'm not chasing things out of my age/level; What GB's are available to get/have to Iron Aged players? AND WHICH ONE'S are the MOST important? This will help me slow down and have something to focus on! Thanks!!!
  5. Charmante

    Great Buildings

    Please tell me Which Great Building's give Forge Points AND HOW to Get the Great Building's. Thank you! :)
  6. Charmante

    Need Forge Points!

    What's the best way to get them? I had 5 bundles of 10 in my inventory. I would love to have more bundles like that. How can I buy 100 forge points? Thank you!
  7. Charmante

    Hall of Fame

    How do I obtain one? Is it still available? I really need one to level up my guild! Thank you.