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Titan Goods


Active Member
Has anyone else had problems trading for Titan goods? I was doing 1 for 1 PE to Titan. Had to do multiple, at 1,000 each for Hydra. However the last 1,000, the higher level player was not able to accept. Which leave me unable to build a Titan GB. Has anyone else had this problem?


Well-Known Member
You can trade anywhere from 1:2 to 2:1 for any age goods. There should not be anything stopping you from doing 1:1 trade for 1k goods between PE and Titan.

Sharmon the Impaler

Well-Known Member
Has anyone else had problems trading for Titan goods? I was doing 1 for 1 PE to Titan. Had to do multiple, at 1,000 each for Hydra. However the last 1,000, the higher level player was not able to accept. Which leave me unable to build a Titan GB. Has anyone else had this problem?
The person making the trade had the "Fair trade" box checked. Uncheck it and it will work fine.

Dominator - X

Well-Known Member
Has anyone else had problems trading for Titan goods? I was doing 1 for 1 PE to Titan. Had to do multiple, at 1,000 each for Hydra. However the last 1,000, the higher level player was not able to accept. Which leave me unable to build a Titan GB. Has anyone else had this problem?
Maybe he thought you were a thief for offering extremely low age goods at 1:1 instead of 2:1?

Stanley Ipkiss

Active Member
you don't trade titan goods you sell them.

In my experience I receive them through trades by either guildmates or the open market. Many players in Titan still need lower age goods, just sayin, you don’t have to go out of your way to take advantage of lower age players. Just make sure that it’s a trade you’re willing to accept.

Meat Butcher

Well-Known Member
In my experience I receive them through trades by either guildmates or the open market. Many players in Titan still need lower age goods, just sayin, you don’t have to go out of your way to take advantage of lower age players. Just make sure that it’s a trade you’re willing to accept.
I am not taking advantage, I am providing a service that many appreciate.
In my experience, if I needed Titan goods I would never take advantage of my guildmates generosity asking for a handout.
I would offer them FP's so they get exactly what the sellers are offering them for.


Active Member
I have lots of friends in that AGE & I Up my TT when I can to get more Titan goods
you can get a lot of goods in a day if you have the right friends

Stanley Ipkiss

Active Member
I am not taking advantage, I am providing a service that many appreciate.
In my experience, if I needed Titan goods I would never take advantage of my guildmates generosity asking for a handout.
I would offer them FP's so they get exactly what the sellers are offering them for.
Sure, you do you. I’ve never been asked for FP and I’ll never offer. I let the trades speak for themselves and have never had any issues getting trades accepted by guild members or on the open market. But go ahead and think you’re not taking advantage by charging FP on top of trades from players who make far less FP than you.

Stanley Ipkiss

Active Member
People have a free choice to pay or beg. Some like to pay and feel great about it. Some like to beg, and also feel great about it. Some pay grudgingly, some feel guilty asking others to give them a free deal
Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing.
Beg? lol creating a trade and leaving it there to be accepted or not is hardly begging. If there’s people actually begging then they’re probably not capable of making “fair” trades or can’t afford the FP demands from those who take advantage… I’m just glad that my city’s been self sustaining for quite a while now. I only built hydra, the other 2 Titian GBs can wait until I get there. I’m fine only working on one of them for now with their increased expense compared to the rest

Meat Butcher

Well-Known Member
People have a free choice to pay or beg. Some like to pay and feel great about it. Some like to beg, and also feel great about it. Some pay grudgingly, some feel guilty asking others to give them a free deal
Freedom of choice is a wonderful thing.
Yup, he likes to think that he is not taking advantage of his guildmates generosity but lets let him continue to think that he is not.
I will say that I am glad he is glad his city has been self sustaining for quite some time, and apparently does not need any external assistance to run itself.
That must free up a lot of time to focus on posting unfair trades to the guild.

Dominator - X

Well-Known Member
Sure, you do you. I’ve never been asked for FP and I’ll never offer. I let the trades speak for themselves and have never had any issues getting trades accepted by guild members or on the open market. But go ahead and think you’re not taking advantage by charging FP on top of trades from players who make far less FP than you.
Curious to know what era you reside in.

Are you aware of how many FP's it costs to age up to SAT? Are you aware of how expensive it is to produce SAT goods? Are you aware of how high the demand is for SAT goods?

Why should a member who chooses to age up to SAT, just give SAT goods away to those who choose to NOT age up and produce them for themselves and others? Why are those who choose to NOT age up, entitled to goods from those who DID choose to age up, without compensation that the producer asks for in return?

If you don't like the terms, you have options: Look elsewhere, or age up to SAT yourself.

Stanley Ipkiss

Active Member
Curious to know what era you reside in.

Are you aware of how many FP's it costs to age up to SAT? Are you aware of how expensive it is to produce SAT goods? Are you aware of how high the demand is for SAT goods?

Why should a member who chooses to age up to SAT, just give SAT goods away to those who choose to NOT age up and produce them for themselves and others? Why are those who choose to NOT age up, entitled to goods from those who DID choose to age up, without compensation that the producer asks for in return?

If you don't like the terms, you have options: Look elsewhere, or age up to SAT yourself.
I’m currently in SAAB. To the rest of your questions, yes!

Players in SAT aren’t just giving away goods, they get goods in exchange. That’s what a trade is.

Noone said anything about entitlement, fair trades are goods for goods. People that take advantage charge FP from players who make far less FP.

Sure, later eras cost more FP. Those players in later eras also make far more FP than earlier era players.

I’ve also stated that there are plenty of players in SAT that do not take advantage of newer/early era players as they know they need earlier goods as much as newer players need SAT goods. I’ve never had an issue getting trades accepted without being taken advantage of. I simply leave the trades on the open market and they get scooped up rather quickly.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, my post are to those in need of higher era goods. I’m letting “them” know they don’t need to be taken advantage of by greedy players!

Happy forging


Well-Known Member
People that take advantage charge FP from players who make far less FP.
I disagree with that. I remember years ago when planting my first Arc it was routine to charge FPs for FE goods, because to get them I had to trade goods from many ages below Future, making them all "unfair" trades. I was getting far more in value than the goods I was trading away, so it was expected that FPs would be included in the transaction. No taking advantage there.

Stanley Ipkiss

Active Member
I disagree with that. I remember years ago when planting my first Arc it was routine to charge FPs for FE goods, because to get them I had to trade goods from many ages below Future, making them all "unfair" trades. I was getting far more in value than the goods I was trading away, so it was expected that FPs would be included in the transaction. No taking advantage there.
Well, I disagree with you as well. It’s not the age difference that matters. It’s the ratio. If it were an unfair trade, you wouldn’t be able to create it while the “fair trade” box is checked. Player perception is what caused people to take advantage, not game mechanics.

Pericles the Lion

Well-Known Member
Well, I disagree with you as well. It’s not the age difference that matters. It’s the ratio. If it were an unfair trade, you wouldn’t be able to create it while the “fair trade” box is checked. Player perception is what caused people to take advantage, not game mechanics.
What "fair trade" box do you refer to? Afaik, there is none in-game.

Dominator - X

Well-Known Member
I’m currently in SAAB. To the rest of your questions, yes!

Players in SAT aren’t just giving away goods, they get goods in exchange. That’s what a trade is.

Noone said anything about entitlement, fair trades are goods for goods. People that take advantage charge FP from players who make far less FP.

Sure, later eras cost more FP. Those players in later eras also make far more FP than earlier era players.

I’ve also stated that there are plenty of players in SAT that do not take advantage of newer/early era players as they know they need earlier goods as much as newer players need SAT goods. I’ve never had an issue getting trades accepted without being taken advantage of. I simply leave the trades on the open market and they get scooped up rather quickly.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, my post are to those in need of higher era goods. I’m letting “them” know they don’t need to be taken advantage of by greedy players!

Happy forging
The point you are ignoring or glossing over is that these goods are expensive, as is leveling up to SAT age. And they are still in high demand. SAT players also need to produce enough for their own GB leveling. As the SAT GB'S get higher the goods (and FP's) get very expensive. There is a market for these goods and lower era members who choose to not age up, pay for them with FP's. The goods are only a necessary part of a trade and rarely do SAT players trade SAT goods for the purpose of obtaining lower era goods, unless there is a guild need or if they are heavy traders. Many sellers that I know, do not care what ratio or era the buyer is trading with. Others do change the ratio, based on the era of goods being traded. However, most are more interested in the amount of FP's they receive. They are sold at market rates. If one does not like the rate offered, they can either ask/look elsewhere or age up to SAT and produce them on their own. Or, just wait until the market is more favorable to the buyer.

Using terms like "greedy" and "taken advantage of", is very subjective on your part. Asking for FP's as part of a trade, is part of the game. Lower age players do not "need" SAT goods to play, survive or even thrive. To obtain them is optional, not required. We all play this game a little differently. Some have built their cities in a way that they intend to sell goods to others. That is how they play. Others enjoy taking their time in lower ages and don't want to age up quickly. Others are rushing through to the highest age available. When their paths intersect and one has a desire to build higher age GB's while inhabiting a lower age, they seek out those who can satisfy their desire. SAT players do just that. Some sell them and some give them away. Again, each plays the game how they choose to. Neither is right and neither is wrong. How are those who sell higher age goods any more "greedy" than those who want them without producing them? Or paying market rates for them? If someone asks for more FP's than the market supports, they will either lower the price or not sell them. Savvy buyers (which we should all be) will look elsewhere and the market will correct itself.

Playing the game differently from another does not mean they are greedy. It just means they are playing the game... differently.