I’m currently in SAAB. To the rest of your questions, yes!
Players in SAT aren’t just giving away goods, they get goods in exchange. That’s what a trade is.
Noone said anything about entitlement, fair trades are goods for goods. People that take advantage charge FP from players who make far less FP.
Sure, later eras cost more FP. Those players in later eras also make far more FP than earlier era players.
I’ve also stated that there are plenty of players in SAT that do not take advantage of newer/early era players as they know they need earlier goods as much as newer players need SAT goods. I’ve never had an issue getting trades accepted without being taken advantage of. I simply leave the trades on the open market and they get scooped up rather quickly.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, my post are to those in need of higher era goods. I’m letting “them” know they don’t need to be taken advantage of by greedy players!
Happy forging
The point you are ignoring or glossing over is that these goods are expensive, as is leveling up to SAT age. And they are still in high demand. SAT players also need to produce enough for their own GB leveling. As the SAT GB'S get higher the goods (and FP's) get very expensive. There is a market for these goods and lower era members who choose to not age up, pay for them with FP's. The goods are only a necessary part of a trade and rarely do SAT players trade SAT goods for the purpose of obtaining lower era goods, unless there is a guild need or if they are heavy traders. Many sellers that I know, do not care what ratio or era the buyer is trading with. Others do change the ratio, based on the era of goods being traded. However, most are more interested in the amount of FP's they receive. They are sold at market rates. If one does not like the rate offered, they can either ask/look elsewhere or age up to SAT and produce them on their own. Or, just wait until the market is more favorable to the buyer.
Using terms like "greedy" and "taken advantage of", is very subjective on your part. Asking for FP's as part of a trade, is part of the game. Lower age players do not "need" SAT goods to play, survive or even thrive. To obtain them is optional, not required. We all play this game a little differently. Some have built their cities in a way that they intend to sell goods to others. That is how
they play. Others enjoy taking their time in lower ages and don't want to age up quickly. Others are rushing through to the highest age available. When their paths intersect and one has a desire to build higher age GB's while inhabiting a lower age, they seek out those who can satisfy their desire. SAT players do just that. Some sell them and some give them away. Again, each plays the game how they choose to. Neither is right and neither is wrong. How are those who sell higher age goods any more "greedy" than those who want them without producing them? Or paying market rates for them? If someone asks for more FP's than the market supports, they will either lower the price or not sell them. Savvy buyers (which we should all be) will look elsewhere and the market will correct itself.
Playing the game differently from another does not mean they are greedy. It just means they are playing the game... differently.