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  • We have A Problem with limited buildings How many of them are there now
    So when the Time is up how do you find them to remove them.
    My city is vary huge
    Be nice to have a setting If People like the Battel result's will auto close 2 sec
    I for one would like less clicking
    • Like
    Reactions: cindyhart
    lol always trying to improve anything I see in life
    had my 47 Birthday the 3 And still trying to heal my swollen left foot
    nice & painful to walk on lol
    Inno took my Suggestion AT half value
    I hate the rewords popups And having to hit the close all the time
    I also hate seeing the red rewords BAR all the time but yes it is in a better location
    I do want to see my rewords in a smaller way no BOXES ... The way we get are goods A small icon & the amount of goods
    they popup for 4-7 sec and fade's away
    I can see it in my head Does no one have any vision in INNO lol do I have to make a picture video for you to share my vision
    2. just make it pop-up in the upper right screen & Auto close in 4 sec
    and the collect all just slow things down and show 8 items in a caskade It does not have to be a big display of your rewords
    I have over 25+ million trade coins
    There is nothing worth getting
    All there is just JUNK
    Will thinks ever change ADD some new stuff Remove the junk
    use some Diamonds to get a better grade items for a week
    PLEASE UPDATE the Antiques Dealer
    ? there is no time progression For Terrance Farm
    just the Special production finish.....NOT HAPPY
    Q Do any great Buildings offer Att/DEF for GBG ... they have no GBG flag in the Icon
    I just see the great buildings in the attacking units /TOWN HALL not in GE/GBG
    GE still needs work I still have a statue to collect and yet it wants me to move on to the next level So I canceled it to collect it
    I really don't like outside 1.9 how do you know WHO is in your guild
    Clicking on their Icon LOL there's no info on what guild they are in
    I see that as a big PROBLEM
    Under the profile PIC
    put his GUILD
    I see no problem showing that INFO
    so easy to take his spot if I know he is in my guild
    no more messages he is not your friend & can't add to his GB
    INNO so we must buy gold up grade buildings
    You can't give out Fragments for gold upgrades for recuring for IQ when its over
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