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This is MAD NESS to hit the close button on my Buildings every time I collect from my city I must have 40+ I have to hit close to get rid of them
I love all the pop-ups When Collecting every day
better if you do everything the same way And make them slower And display them longer after clicking on it
NO POP-UPS that you have to click on it to close it make it pop up And fade away
GBG is so unbalanced we have About 20 people in are guild And some of the other guilds in the other sectors have 80 members W?T?F
Can't even get one Sector 4 our selfs
Soon no one will want to do the Settlements anymore.
It's not great like it was The Event buildings Are now Passing them And they Are starting to look like junk
We get new neighbors right
Why not get rid of the inactive Friends ones without a guild
So sick of weeding out inactives every 2 weeks
Along with all my other Worlds It is a real pain.
No chance for Diamonds in GE until level 5. What a joke. They insist on ruining this game What will they screw with next
YES anyone can get to Level 4- 5 LOL >>NOT<<
keep it up your losing more players every negative changes you make
& do it 3x a day to make it sink in how annoying it is