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  • INNO so we must buy gold up grade buildings
    You can't give out Fragments for gold upgrades for recuring for IQ when its over
    How about having A small Guild timer for GBG or for Speed leveling or what ever the founder wants to use it for
    right under the switch worlds ICON
    I wanted to change profile to add current worlds when that popup surfaced... So i just added em in my signature
    Saw you and others in ephesus. Add me to friends list. I just installed massage chair and popcorn maker.
    For GBG you should give us an extra hour lockdown
    if your going to put 20 VS 80 members together
    20 VS 80 is not FAIR Mite get 1.2 sectors if we are lucky throw out the 10 days
    Im on an HP Pavilion gaming PC
    And the content map is still bugged I stay on it too long the game crashes in under 3 min and the screen goes black
    after the 12 + years I have been playing this I just put up with it
    Is there any others just putting up with this And hit Reload on there Browser to play again
    I really hate you turning us into BOT's mind-ness clicking 15 30 minutes doing GBG
    ? Think about adding a Content index button to go to the next map
    need it starting on Space AGE so you don't have to close it & reopen it to get to the next one when collecting
    Rival was just madness only well-prepared can pull this THING off
    just doing a whole lot of GE & fights is just crazy I used up all 7+ million Medals
    No pop-ups from rewords ...I was waiting a long time for this
    The game is 10% better NOW
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