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Soccer Cup Feedback


Well-Known Member
I wholeheartedly disagree about Victory Towers. A 1x1 that gives medals is miles ahead of a regular 1x1 deco, which is truly worthless. They age up automatically so the number of medals increases, and when you get a few of them the medals add up nicely. I can see their becoming worthless in higher ages or maybe when you have an uber-levelled Arc but otherwise they're quite nice to have. I'll take all of yours, thanks.

I didn't bother building the Grand Bridge unless I got it past level 5, where it gives 2 FP instead of 1. IMO it's too big to be valuable before that.

On topic, I agree with others that it's bothersome that this is the first Event prize that will require diamonds to upgrade completely. Because of that I'm not trying for it at all, my goal (pun intended) will be daily specials.


Well-Known Member
Wonderful event... I moved down the field and managed to score a goal. No daily special, but received a nice miscellaneous collection of garbage including the 1 rogue from the rogue shot I took to score the goal. I sure hope I get to level 9 building.

You will if you pay enough.


It has not been on beta and bryft confirmed that this was intentional and was not a daily prize but did say maybe based on feedback it could be changed for the live game. [Feedback] - Soccer Cup

*Fingers crossed that it becomes a daily special*

If not, oh well. I suppose they have to make money to keep the lights on somehow. I really hope they work/refine the 'league competition' meta-event into other events as a way to hook the whale wallets. Then again... Once your run out of city space... *shrugs*.

Hrmm, I wonder if that is the feedback they'll be looking...

So the quest says build 4 decorations

Would that be 4 stone age obelisks ?

Can confirm, as I did 4 Obelisks (Because I realllly needed to save all my GE decos! ...harhar)

Copying part of my post in an earlier spoiler thread:
Lvl 10 ToI is equivalent to four SoK on FP generation, but has the added bonus of goods/supplies/medals/happiness(Unsure on coin comparison, I'll leave that the wonderful beta and wiki people)& less incoming city motivations required. Depending on the whale's city and wallet, it's the superior choice to fields of SoKs. [/end copypaste]

The big balancing act will be if those wallets will be filling their city with SoKs and just popping the lvl10 Tholos down as incidental filler or if the focus will be the other way around. Depends how that RNG to goal ratio works out, and the depth of the wallet.

Question for Vets: Has FoE ever done anything like the league competition before?

I don't count carnival decos or trivial rewards like that. I'm interested if the league thing pulls enough wallets, if there may be hope for us F2P players for future big events.


Well-Known Member
The Tholos starts to be worth the space it takes at about level 6, IMO. And it's definitely a good use of space at level 8. So I wouldn't worry too much about not getting it all the way to 10.

The thing I'm most excited about is the Wishing Well Shrink Kits! Are these available as Daily Specials? With the potential to shrink them, it makes WW's strictly better than the Fountain of Youth.

I greatly appreciate my Victory Towers. They give me 280 medals a week - far more than 7.


Well-Known Member
The thing I'm most excited about is the Wishing Well Shrink Kits! Are these available as Daily Specials? With the potential to shrink them, it makes WW's strictly better than the Fountain of Youth.

Yes! I've got WWs all over the place, I'm going to get as many shrink kits as I can.


Folks, victory towers are not worth the space in the current game in any situation. Maybe when medals were harder to come by, but not anymore. I implore any of you with fields of victory towers to remove them unless you like their appearance, because it's hurting my heart.

@michelelyons As for them being in the chests, just think of it as filler. Inno does this all the time. The rates of the other buildings in that chest are relatively balanced imo. If not victory towers it would have been some other trash.


Well-Known Member
Folks, victory towers are not worth the space in the current game in any situation. Maybe when medals were harder to come by, but not anymore. I implore any of you with fields of victory towers to remove them unless you like their appearance, because it's hurting my heart.

I don't want to derail the thread, but I really don't get this attitude unless you're in OF and have all the medal expansions and thus medals are essentially meaningless. For the rest of us they plug little gaps here and there that nothing else can fill except decos that give only happiness, which I need much less than I do medals. I might remove then when and if I no longer need medals, but that day is not today.


Yes there are not a lot of things that fill in 1 square. You only need so much happiness so why not use them if you have them?


Victory Towers are a relatively old building and not balanced very well against more current stuff. Just take into account thing like set buildings or the PoH which make more medals and on a daily basis. It's also a pretty common building at this point, somewhat easily obtainable in the GE or DCs. The only advantage the VT has is that it's a 1x1 and doesn't need roads, so it's okay for filling in gaps. Even then, I'd argue for the Watchfire instead. And there are times where I'll take a deco instead for aesthetic purposes.


Well-Known Member
I've got 3 current age cultural buildings I got free from GE sitting in my inventory. So, it costs me nothing to build it and complete the quest and then I immediately sell it, and make coins and supplies. I don't use cultural buildings in my city, I get more than enough happy from my GBs and the few special buildings I use. Quests like these give use to an otherwise useless prize and gets it out of my inventory. +1 to Inno.


I don't want to derail the thread, but I really don't get this attitude unless you're in OF and have all the medal expansions and thus medals are essentially meaningless. For the rest of us they plug little gaps here and there that nothing else can fill except decos that give only happiness, which I need much less than I do medals. I might remove then when and if I no longer need medals, but that day is not today.

I am sorry, but we will have to agree to disagree about the Victory Towers. The Victory Towers were designed years ago as a prize for one of the very early Special Events. This was time when medals were extremely rare. There were no other buildings that gave them, and only a couple of Great Buildings that gave them at all. So while the Towers might have been worth a little then, they are not worth even a 1x1, in my opinion, because they give a tiny handful of medals once a week. Remember that---once a week. And they do not hand out a big bunch of medals at the end of the week, but a tiny amount regardless of what level they are on. I have special event buildings that will give me lots of medals, and give them in time periods everywhere from 4 hours to 24 hours. One special building, a tiny one, gives me 20 medals every day. So why would I give space in my city to something that delivers a paltry prize once a week? I have dozens of these useless towers in my inventory and I sincerely wish I could do something with them----even if I could give them away to someone, that would at least be something.

Now, I know that Inno has to put some trash in the packages, so that they can make money . But really, making nearly half of the most "expensive" package a worthless item seems excessive. I would have no problem, if the Tower was rated at 20% or even 30%, but 42%? That means that the vast majority of the time you will get nothing for that expensive package. And when you save up the points to use on that package (for the chance of getting the special event buildings) ending up with nothing over and over is frustrating. This tactic is designed to get people to spend diamonds, I understand that. But to have the deck stacked against you to such a large amount will only discourage playing. After a few times of choosing that package, and getting nothing (the Tower) a lot of players will be more likely to choose something else, or just stop playing the event entirely. The idea of a special event is to make it exciting, to encourage you to keep playing, not frustrate you into just giving up.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry, but we will have to agree to disagree about the Victory Towers. So while the Towers might have been worth a little then, they are not worth even a 1x1, in my opinion, because they give a tiny handful of medals once a week.

Since you're determined to debate the issue...I get that a Watchtower is worth more as it provides defense. But there's no other 1x1 that's as valuable. Again: if you're to the point that medals in general are worthless, okay, but as long as one needs medals, which AFAIK is everybody who isn't in OF, the VT is worth placing.
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Since you're determined to debate the issue...I get that a Watchtower is worth more as it provides defense. But there's no other 1x1 that's as valuable. Again: if you're to the point that medals in general are worthless, okay, but as long as one needs medals, which AFAIK is everybody who isn't in OF, the VT is worth placing.

Agreed and Watch Towers are much harder to come by compared to the Towers. I haven't been playing long and I have close to 3 dozen Towers and only 7-8 Watch Towers.I have 30 or 40 single square spots to fill. I may as well put something there even if they aren't going to make me a lot of stuff.


Well-Known Member
One note here on the soccer cup...many players will complain on this thread about lack of good prizes, percentages of good prizes and the evil deeds of INNO in its never ending campaign to separate you from your hard earned dollars. Keep in mind it's the endgame you need to look at in this event and that is the rewards when scoring goals. Each soccer player has a certain distance it travels per energy drink and that info is readily available on wiki. Utilize the best pitchmen to get to the goal. The mini game has several tricks to get you to take the slower more expensive route but don't fall for it....just stick to your guns, take the fast route and gain those upgrades...Good luck


Well-Known Member
I am sorry, but we will have to agree to disagree about the Victory Towers. .... I have special event buildings that will give me lots of medals, and give them in time periods everywhere from 4 hours to 24 hours. One special building, a tiny one, gives me 20 medals every day.
And how many spaces does that 20 medals per day building take? A VT takes one, and mine give me 280 medals a week, which is equal to 40 a day. Sure, I've got special buildings that give medals, too. They may be more efficient in production rate, but more medals is more medals, which means I can expans my city that much faster.

IMO, it's the Watchfires that are pretty useless. They boost your defense a little bit when your city is attacked, but the dumb AI is still conducting your end of the battle. And they give no boost on attack strength when defending. Unless you have like 100 Watchfires, it hardly makes any difference as to how often you get plundered. If someone breaches your defenses, but doesn't plunder - either because you pick up all your stuff in time, they just don't bother because it doesn't get them anything good - then it really doesn't cost you anything. How much do Watchfires really save you in stuff that would have been plundered? In my experience, pretty close to nothing. How many WFs would I need to stop all possibility of being plundered? And is the small amounts of stuff I lose every once in a while worth using up that amount of space?

If a goods building is plundered every day, how many WF's would it take to stop that? If it's more than the number of spaces another goods building would take up, then the WF's aren't worth it.

OK, sorry for being way off the subject. I'm going to go kick some balls now.


i like the event so far very changing!
the part i don't like is buy FP!! i am very low on coins as i produce very little per day and with all the coins i need. i only accumulate a little per day. need something else that does not take my coins. will be very hard to finish. as i will have to buy 5 fp soon i don't have enough coins to do that so it will be a few days before that is possible! hard to believe the reason i may not finish is having to spend coins!!! OUCH....


Well-Known Member
Part of the challenge of these events Enchantedking, is they take you out of your comfort zone and force you to make decisions, like city redesign, to meet the tasks at hand.....Don't be afraid to rip your city up a bit and plant some housing for the gold needed, and recurring quests can be a great boon to you to gather what you need...Good luck


for the gold needed
This is a pet peeve of mine, and you're not the only one that does it, but it's not "gold" it's "coins". New players are confused easily enough already without us using the wrong name for a basic resource. Remember, there is an EMA good called "Gold", so it can be very confusing to a new player when we misuse "gold" when we really mean "coin". This has been a PSA, sponsored by Longshanks Jeans for Tall Men. :p