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St. Patrick's Event 2021 questions and non feedback comments


Well-Known Member
Use this thread for all questions you might have about the event and for making comments on your progress for instance.

Just An Observer

Well-Known Member
What are the strategies for Diamond and non-Diamond players? Will there be plenty of chances to score Sentinels and Sentinel Level 2 upgrades?
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Active Member
What are the strategies for Diamond and non-Diamond players? Will there be plenty of chances to score Sentinels and Sentinel Level 2 upgrades?
Mooingcat made a video on this, I suggest you watch it he says you can probally get 4 or 5 Sentinel outposts with his strategy and shows how to spend diamonds to get more than 1 druid temple.
I have a question related to what happens with the Surprise Box. I've heard two very different scenarios for opening it and when you should do so. Do I need to do a Spoiler thing for that, and if so how do I do that?


Well-Known Member
I have a question related to what happens with the Surprise Box. I've heard two very different scenarios for opening it and when you should do so. Do I need to do a Spoiler thing for that, and if so how do I do that?

It will be a spoiler until the event has started. After that we can assume some players have opened it to be able to give the answer.


Well-Known Member
Task 37 from the second city is to " Generate 200B (Billion) Hats from your Hat Factory ". That's about 25 hats for every head on earth.

Apparently, pointing out this ridiculous thematic disconnect is considered "off-topic" to the feedback thread. But pointing out that the building is a Druid Temple, which isn't quite appropriate for a holiday for a Christian saint - a different thematic disconnect - isn't considered "off-topic" for the feedback thread.

Goth Almighty

Active Member
I heard that you should wait until after you get the level 1 of the Druid Temple bc the surprise is an upgrade or a level 1.

MJ Artisan of War

Well-Known Member
Can't wait till everyone gets that maxed out Druid Temple planted...
Can hear the whines already about how it doesn't give Forge Points 40% of the time...
Oh the randomness of it all....


Can't wait till everyone gets that maxed out Druid Temple planted...
Can hear the whines already about how it doesn't give Forge Points 40% of the time...
Oh the randomness of it all....
Unlike the other events, I find it harder to get the max event building this time. The upgrade kit seems SO rare...

Lord Pest

Well-Known Member
I feel I made a lot of progress today. I’m working on tasks 36, 37, 38 and completed 25 quests. Planed it out last night. Didn’t aid anyone, didn’t sit in anyone’s tavern, didn’t empty my tavern, etc. Didn‘t do anything in the game unless a quest asked me to do it.


Active Member
I opened to surprise and got a druid selection kit, 20 fp, and maybe something else I wasn't paying attention to. Seems safe to open, just choose wisely with the kit.

Deleted User - 19358712

You MUST plant it not just have one in storage
That may have been true on beta. From what I have seen, that is not true for production.
Has anyone opened the surprise and gotten a level 1 from the surprise box here?