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[Guide] Higher Age Units Guide v2.20

Tina the Audacity

New Member
My plan of action would be to complete Towards Garrincton and research the field guns. And avoid touching the bonus quest slot until as late as possible. The bonus questline only takes up 1 RQ slot so you still have one RQ slot left. The worst-case scenario is you have no RQ slots, but I don't ever recall that happening to me 2 years ago when I got my hovers.

I was in a similar position to you (i.e. found out about HAU after being in LMA and researched all techs and only had two saved up like you did with the goods buildings in CA). I even researched Police Stations costing a good few techs and I still got hovers in Indy. I haven't kept up with quest changes recently so you should still be able to get Hovers in Indy.

PS – I think it's much better to go for hovers and turtles in PE – you have more room for error in techs. As an ex-HAU owner: Indy hovers<PE hovers<PE turtles<Indy turtles.
Thank you for your time! Thats pretty much cleared up my frustration as from now I can only move forward with what I have left. Im ok with 1 RQ slot for now and hopefully I can clear the bonus quest as I move to Industrial. from your perspective, PE is better for hovers and I finally see that wouldnt be so bad having hovers in PE. Thats settled. I just need to push cMap along with Story questline to get others HAUs also, not as much of course but I think the rouges gonna do their thing. Thank you so much!

Ben Trovato

1. will I still be able to obtain 4 hovers in FE map using the FE Story questline alone? What should I do from now to make sure that I wont mess that up? (ie, moving towards the PE, PME...map until I get to FE map).
2. I understand that the bonus questline took over a RQ slot until whenever, is the bonus questline matter at all in obtaining HAU?? or it just prevent me from having 2 RQs? if thats the case, I can be ok with it until I got 4 hovers.
3. based on the reddit guide, I am NOT in Industrial Age yet, my Story questline is NOT at Truth or Date yet, my cMap is NOT at FE yet.
Can I still advance the Story questline (might require research tec) and stop when Truth or Date appears from now (CA)? and can I keep clearing sectors in continent map however possible and stop at FE map to follow instruction from FE map when I reached Truth or Dare? OR - I should follow the guide on every steps from the PE map/quest to get the other higher age units while advancing the cMap?

1 Yes you will still be able, if you are careful. You can get four hovers in Industrial with no saved techs in Colonial (just) and you'll have one or two extra.
2 You are stuck on the bonus line only until you reach Modern Roads, which if you are careful about tech will come when you do the Long Lived Man quest in the Modern Era storyline, well before you get the hovers.
3 You should STOP clearing the continent map however possible. Charging ahead has already caused you grief and will cause you more grief. Catch up the story line, and don't attack further into PE. Actually, taking the first sector (Havre) is okay, but no more.

There are several good reasons not to blindly clear the map ahead, apart from missing out on intermediate higher-aged units. Going for the hovers takes careful progression and the last stat I read suggested most people who try it fail the first time.

I agree with King, you should research the field guns to move forward in the story line. When you get to the quest "Set Foot", take Havre. Scout when you are told by the quest but don't attack/take any sector beyond Havre just yet. Acquire four sectors in the quests Let the Wars Begin and Peacebringer by negotiation, NOT fighting. You will be able to continue the quest 08/15 through researching one of your remaining two. However, if you plan to go to Industrial immediately, I recommend you don't do that, but wait until you move up to Industrial to move forward. That way you'll save an extra research for Arctic Future if you want it or for a Tomorrow Era jump. You shouldn't be attacking sectors at this point in the questline. If you will be staying in Colonial for a long time it is worth pushing past 08/15 to get the tanks or conscripts using one of your two saved up researches.

Either way, once you have your choice of the tanks or conscripts (both are superior to the snipers in my opinion) it's fine to clear the Progressive map, but I wouldn't go much further into the ME map until the storyline catches up.

Hovers are probably better in PE. Turturrets are probably better in Industrial, but you can't reach those until PE anyway from where you are.
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Tina the Audacity

New Member
1 Yes you will still be able, if you are careful. You can get four hovers in Industrial with no saved techs in Colonial (just) and you'll have one or two extra.
2 You are stuck on the bonus line only until you reach Modern Roads, which if you are careful about tech will come when you do the Long Lived Man quest in the Modern Era storyline, well before you get the hovers.
3 You should STOP clearing the continent map however possible. Charging ahead has already caused you grief and will cause you more grief. Catch up the story line, and don't attack further into PE. Actually, taking the first sector (Havre) is okay, but no more.

There are several good reasons not to blindly clear the map ahead, apart from missing out on intermediate higher-aged units. Going for the hovers takes careful progression and the last stat I read suggested most people who try it fail the first time.

I agree with King, you should research the field guns to move forward in the story line. When you get to the quest "Set Foot", take Havre. Scout when you are told by the quest but don't attack/take any sector beyond Havre just yet. Acquire four sectors in the quests Let the Wars Begin and Peacebringer by negotiation, NOT fighting. You will be able to continue the quest 08/15 through researching one of your remaining two. However, if you plan to go to Industrial immediately, I recommend you don't do that, but wait until you move up to Industrial to move forward. That way you'll save an extra research for Arctic Future if you want it or for a Tomorrow Era jump. You shouldn't be attacking sectors at this point in the questline. If you will be staying in Colonial for a long time it is worth pushing past 08/15 to get the tanks or conscripts using one of your two saved up researches.

Either way, once you have your choice of the tanks or conscripts (both are superior to the snipers in my opinion) it's fine to clear the Progressive map, but I wouldn't go much further into the ME map until the storyline catches up.

Hovers are probably better in PE. Turturrets are probably better in Industrial, but you can't reach those until PE anyway from where you are.
THANK YOU! I did follow King's instruction and caught up to the story questline! I got 2 tanks and now at the point where I need to research antibiotic or 3 techs.

Yes, I wont mind if I got 1 slot RQ blocked because now I know it WONT affect the process of getting HAUs, and will clear out when I keep following HAU guide no matter what, thank you very much! that is such a relieved.

So..!! I did some more intensive studying and compared the 3 guides from UBER, MooingCat, and FoE Addict. I come to realize that:

Based on the first research chart of the "Worst InA scenario" of UBER, I would have 7 techs left for AF/OF troops if I choose to obtain the Police Station by events or GE. (I got 2 tanks and prefer InA over CA so I can wait). BUT: I still have 2 tech left from CA. That would net me 9 techs in total to spare for AF/OF troops.

Question is: Just in case I'm being a rushy naughty girl, Am I OK to research deep into Law and Order when the story quest requires and still have 2 more techs left for AF/OF troops? But I dont think that would be that easy, as multiple researches will be required at different stages...2 more techs wont necessary makes a difference I guess..But please let me know anyway..

STILL! If you guys feel like I SHALL WAIT to get the Police Station from events/GE (because of...?). I am happy to do so. (this would prompt you guys to tell me that using PE Tanks in InA is sufficient in GE5/GBG and all other battling happiness) My stats are as follow:
Attacking Unit 714/498
City defense 753/659
GBG 1160/956
GE 1085/1078

Again, THANK YOU so much for helping me with this. Because I dont even know how to ask...
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Ben Trovato

THANK YOU! I did follow King's instruction and caught up to the story questline! I got 2 tanks and now at the point where I need to research antibiotic or 3 techs.

Yes, I wont mind if I got 1 slot RQ blocked because now I know it WONT affect the process of getting HAUs, and will clear out when I keep following HAU guide no matter what, thank you very much! that is such a relieved.

So..!! I did some more intensive studying and compared the 3 guides from UBER, MooingCat, and FoE Addict. I come to realize that:

Based on the first research chart of the "Worst InA scenario" of UBER, I would have 7 techs left for AF/OF troops if I choose to obtain the Police Station by events or GE. (I got 2 tanks and prefer InA over CA so I can wait). BUT: I still have 2 tech left from CA. That would net me 9 techs in total to spare for AF/OF troops.

Question is: Just in case I'm being a rushy naughty girl, Am I OK to research deep into Law and Order when the story quest requires and still have 2 more techs left for AF/OF troops? But I dont think that would be that easy, as multiple researches will be required at different stages...2 more techs wont necessary makes a difference I guess..But please let me know anyway..

STILL! If you guys feel like I SHALL WAIT to get the Police Station from events/GE (because of...?). I am happy to do so. (this would prompt you guys to tell me that using PE Tanks in InA is sufficient in GE5/GBG and all other battling happiness) My stats are as follow:
Attacking Unit 714/498
City defense 753/659
GBG 1160/956
GE 1085/1078

Again, THANK YOU so much for helping me with this. Because I dont even know how to ask...

I wouldn't wait because I have no patience. Also if you are thinking about going to PE anyway, you can still get all the way to the turturrets without messing about trying to get Police Stations from events. That may not even still be possible. Make sure that the only quests you use to reach Law and Order are the ones required. That will leave you enough to get the hovers, and having spares you can take the easier TE route if you like. There's a version of The Peace Conference that requires a residential research as well as the Police Stations. So more forward to that before you research Boarding Houses. You don't want to do all the researches up to Law and Order first just to find you are missing a residential research requirement in the story questline.

The required researches don't include Modern Roads which you need to complete the Indy Bonus questline. So you research a military tech (Recon or Flanking) to get the armoured car in Progressive quests, then you research Modern Roads for the Long Lived Man quest in Modern Era questine, letting you finally complete the bonus.
I have a question concerning triggering the bonus questline in InA.
From the guide it's not completely clear. Will this get triggered when I take Las Penas whatsoever. Or can I avoid this by negotiating all sectors, or keep to the distinction: fight all sectors North, negotiate all sectors South.
My goal is mainly to reach the Progressive Map.


Well-Known Member
I have a question concerning triggering the bonus questline in InA.
From the guide it's not completely clear. Will this get triggered when I take Las Penas whatsoever. Or can I avoid this by negotiating all sectors, or keep to the distinction: fight all sectors North, negotiate all sectors South.
My goal is mainly to reach the Progressive Map.

The bonus questline is triggered once you have completely acquired Garrincton AND Las Penas. You will have to take Garrincton for the Story quests, so yes: taking Las Penas by force or negotiation will trigger the quest line.

Interestingly enough, you can still take the bonus provinces without activating the bonus quest. But you're probably not going to do that, though it is an option if you feel like procrastinating lol.

Me in August 2023 finding that out:
Just learned something from Discord: Apparently, you won't trigger the bonus questline until you take all of Garrincton AND Las Penas. That means you can get the expansion and diamonds without having to lose a quest slot. So it seems I am still safe since I've only just scouted the neighboring provinces without actually taking Las Penas. Interesting...

Ben Trovato

The bonus questline is triggered once you have completely acquired Garrincton AND Las Penas. You will have to take Garrincton for the Story quests, so yes: taking Las Penas by force or negotiation will trigger the quest line.

Interestingly enough, you can still take the bonus provinces without activating the bonus quest. But you're probably not going to do that, though it is an option if you feel like procrastinating lol.

Me in August 2023 finding that out:

I recommend in my guide doing exactly that and leaving Las Penas until last. And I take many of the provinces slowly, leaving sectors until long after doing the Oceanic Future quests. Almost all the good benefits of Indy bonus are Province rewards, like the diamonds or the expansions. The bonus quest rewards themselves are easy to live without.

So I go for the expansions in Desperation and the North (Wenover, is it?) and leave the other provinces for ad hoc access. The real advantage of taking it slow is when you get the annoying daily quests which say take two sectors by negotiation, or infiltrate three sectors. You can simply swap to the North American map and fulfil the quest while saving yourself expensive resources.

By the time the Indy map is complete and you want to finish Las Penas, it's time to move to Progressive anyway, but if you have spare researches, you can save Infrastructure until then and use that to complete the bonus questline without Aging up.
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Ben Trovato

This is my current tech tree at Industrial. with 4 techs left for whatever troops...
I think I must wait to grab the PD by other means...
View attachment 21586
Doesn't look right. You need rifles, railroads, workers houses, etc as requirements for Law and Order. Don't waste your CAs for early PE Techs! Save them for later. As I said before, your PE military (which comes after Law and Order) will be recon or flanking and your ME will be Modern Roads. That will leave you with six Indy and two CA. Three must go on PME, two on FE. Of the three remaining, I would recommend 1 for TE, 1 to complete FE and 1 for AF. If you skip TE and go for two for AF, it wouldn't be wrong either. To progress from there you Age up to PE.

Tina the Audacity

New Member
Doesn't look right. You need rifles, railroads, workers houses, etc as requirements for Law and Order. Don't waste your CAs for early PE Techs! Save them for later. As I said before, your PE military (which comes after Law and Order) will be recon or flanking and your ME will be Modern Roads. That will leave you with six Indy and two CA. Three must go on PME, two on FE. Of the three remaining, I would recommend 1 for TE, 1 to complete FE and 1 for AF. If you skip TE and go for two for AF, it wouldn't be wrong either. To progress from there you Age up to PE.
Youre right! I just count the tech in order and did not specify the requirement of the quest. So best practice is to use Industrial tech for storyquest and left over tech for AF/OF? If im even gonna be there..:(


I have received the 7 Comandos and 5 MG teams. Do I still need to negotiate with Che on the last few sectors left in Dau?


If you've already gotten the MGs, I think it should be safe to fight the rest.
I found someone to trade with pretty quick, so I just ended up negotiating just to be safe. I figured it would be safe to fight the rest. I thought I would get someone elses opinion. Thanks!!

Ben Trovato

Youre right! I just count the tech in order and did not specify the requirement of the quest. So best practice is to use Industrial tech for storyquest and left over tech for AF/OF? If im even gonna be there..:(
If you are going to be researching Indy techs anyway to reach Law and Order, you should use as many of those as you can to fulfil quest requirements. The reason for taking Modern Roads before the CA techs is to finish the bonus questline more quickly. After that, the order doesn't matter.


Well-Known Member
I am skeptical you could actually do anywhere close to this in iron age. Even with doing it in indy/PE you need to be able to unlock lots of techs and have to do a pretty specific sequence of actions in continent maps and with quests to get them.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe it either. If it weren't for the real example that was written about above.
This is the internet though. Anyone can post whatever they like. You can find a youtube video of a player fighting with hover tank against iron age units in iron age but all it is, is the player aged from iron age to indy in the same gbg and got them. Must have cost some serious diamonds to to through the continent map far enough to get them in that timeframe.